Monday 9 May 2016

DAY 750

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye....

1.  Having written a page a day diary for the entirety of my teenage years, I never really doubted my ability to keep my blog going for a little over two years.  What I didn't know was whether anyone would want to read it, or stick with it, and some of you have done both. Thank you.

2.  Thanks too to everyone who supported my fundraising. There are children who are drinking cleaner water, having a better childhood or facing a brighter future because of your generosity.

3.  Am I glad I did it? Absolutely.  Will I run another? Unlikely.  Was it everything I wanted it to be? Yes and no. What next?  A tidy house, an A Level in Textiles and a 22 minute parkrun!!!! At least one of which will take two years - but fear not I shan't be documenting it, not least because there is a distinct possibility that at least one of them might not happen!

4.  But first I want to spend some time with my family for the few months that we have left before C leaves for Uni.  Actually I'm not sure that my most precious sons will relish their mother's need for increased family time, in which case I'm off to be with my beloved Mr L before his marathon training begins!

 5.  I am so fortunate to be blessed with a wonderful family and fabulous friends - the past two years would have been considerably different without your support and company along the way.  You know who you are, and I hope you know what you mean to me.

Parkrun to Marathon in 750 days (a journey of 1000 miles)  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Sunday 8 May 2016

Day 749

1.  Mistakenly thought today was going to be day 750 when I decided to keep going with my blog after the marathon and the main reason for continuing was so I got to say...

2.  I AM MARRIED TO AN ENDURANCE ATHLETE!!! Well done Mr L, so very proud of you xxx

3.  What I couldn't have known at the time was what a wonderful day it was going to be - spent in glorious sunshine in the wonderful company of my extended parkrun family!

4.  Inconceivable that London was only two weeks ago, and we were worried about sleet, but there is no way I could have run in today's heat.  Full credit to all who did - you were a-maz-ing! 

5.  Undoubtedly the sunshine helped - a lot! But I loved being in the city first thing this morning when the race was being set up, it was really exciting standing waiting for the boys to put in their first appearance, a bit of a hardship then having to go and eat breakfast in nice cafe, slightly tense waiting to see them finish, euphoric seeing them at the end and then back to the difficult job of joining them in a post run celebratory drink... All the excitement with none of the pain! I should have thought of this earlier!

M + 14

Saturday 7 May 2016

Day 748

1.  A visit to the chiropodist instead of parkrun and it's been confirmed that I have a slight infection that she thinks will clear by itself (I didn't mention the sugar and soap approach) and tibialis anterior tendonitis.

2.  In other words - a sore foot! 

3.  Could take up to eighteen months for it to settle down but the good news is that the recommendation is for reduced running not NO running... 

4.  So anything less than 26 miles should surely count?! 

5.  Watching Al get ready for his first half marathon this evening brought back many happy memories of Brighton... Think I'd better go try and get some sleep we may be up rather early! 

M + 13

Friday 6 May 2016

Day 747

1.  Fun day today trying to work out how to make EF's dress...

2.  More specifically how to draw a big enough semi circle to make the skirt the required length... in the end this involved measuring a piece of string just longer than the required length, tying one end round a pencil and and other round a drawing pin and voilĂ ! a makeshift compass which did the job nicely thank you!

3.  Conceptualisation complete I've just got to get on with the actual sewing which is never quite as enjoyable, as I learnt from my days as a bag lady!

4.  Nice walk round the fields with Dougal listening to my marathon playlist - feel good tune, after feel good tune! Almost had me raring to go...

5.  Talking of which... optimism is riding high with the Leeds Half Marathon boys! Two days to go and they've all entered the ballot for London!!

M + 12

Thursday 5 May 2016

Day 746

1.  I expected my 'tan' to have faded by now, and sure enough I am back to my pre marathon whiter shade of pale...

2.  What I hadn't expected was for my hair to follow suit!

3.  All the lovely blonde I was sporting a fortnight ago has washed off my white hairs as they beacon out in a sort of  "Yoo Hoo!! I'm here!!" kind of a way.

4.  I can't help but feel a little like Cinderella after midnight, and think perhaps I should have changed my alter ego's name to Marthongirl735 and quit whilst I was ahead!

5.  Too busy to spend a lot of time worrying about it today.... I have abandoned all domestic chores in favour of doing a bit more of my textile homework and starting work on fancy dress costumes for C and Etsy Favouriter!  Who needs a fake tan and highlights?! I am back where I belong!

M + 11

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Day 745

1.  If Marathongirl750 had her dull days, they were nothing to that of Housewife365!!!

2.  All day spent trying to get up to date with the finances and laundry and I haven't finished either.

3.  It would have been the perfect day to think 'Sod it!' and go for a run... except that I can't.

4.  Marathon aside it's been eight weeks since I could, and in stark contrast to yesterday's pleasure at how much I accomplished in the past two years, today I am left questioning if the price was too high, physically, emotionally and literally!

5.  I imagine that the jury will stay out on that one for a while, but in the meantime I need to get running again as soon as I can! So... visit to the chiropodist on Saturday, see if she has any suggestions on how best to treat my foot and if not I will go back to the doctor's and see someone else this time!  I am however pleased to report that Mrs F's soap and sugar compress worked wonders and apart from a little bruising and the multiple stab wounds where I've stuck a needle into my toe in an earlier attempt to relieve the pressure it's almost as good as new!

M + 10

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Day 744

1.  After a week recuperating it was finally time to start sorting all the stuff that needs to be sorted!

2.  Rooting around in the cupboard looking for a letter concerning the return of my Barnardo's collection tins, and the enormity of what I've done has finally hit me!

3.  I didn't find the information I was looking for, but I did find bunting, afternoon tea invitations, card making supplies, a few remnants of the crafting nightmares, a letter from WaterAid thanking me for running the Brighton Half Marathon for them (I'd almost forgotten that was part of this too!), some balloons and a few Barnardo's pin badges! Jeez it was A LOT of work! But worth it!!!

4.  Two years of my life stuffed into many different places in the dresser, all of which I can't wait to clear out when I get a spare minute....

5.  For someone who didn't spend much time on training in the month or so before London, I seem to have spent a lot of time convincing myself that I'm going to have a lot of spare time on my hands post London once the training is over!  Needless to say I'm not seeing much sign of it yet!

M + 9

Monday 2 May 2016

Day 743

1.  Bored being sat with my feet in a bucket of water (the being waited on didn't last terribly long!) I have decided on a new approach to fix my toe... schoolfriendofMG750'sgran's Sugar and Soap Poultice!

2.  I have been asked by a friend if I plan on doing a dance to the moon at the same time and my sis was ever so slightly sceptical, but I have every faith in Mrs F's remedy (still think of her G xx) and although I haven't peeped for a while I am convinced that it's getting better because the pain is subsiding, which I'm taking as a good sign and not indicative that I've lost all feeling in my toe!

3.  Struggling to know where to start picking up the pieces of my life post marathon - not because I'm so distraught that it's over - just that there is so much to do I don't know which bits to tackle first!  (And I thought suit shopping had taken me back to where I started...!!)

4.  One think I know for sure I'm not going to be able to move on from this if I put my name straight back into the hat for next year!

5.  So I'm not entering the ballot, which opened today.  Definitely 100% not doing it.  But Mr L is!!!!

M + 8

Sunday 1 May 2016

Day 742

1.  Spent a lot of today thinking, "time last week...."

2.  Not sure if, given the opportunity, I'd go back and do it all again, but if I did there isn't anything I'd do differently. Which I think means I've ticked my marathon box and I can move on! 

3.  Only I'm still not moving very far! The house looks like a bomb site, I am so far behind with so many things I don't know where to start. But somehow going to a beer festival seemed like a much more pleasant way to spend the afternoon! 

4. Especially after going suit shopping with H this morning.  Feel a bit like I've come full circle - I was four days into my blog when I wrote about suit shopping with C. I've run my marathon and I'm back where I started.  (Except now I can't run!) How quickly the time has passed and how long ago it seems. 

5.  Might be a good day to sign off from this - but for completion I'm going to keep going till it's actually been 750 days. It might have been nice to continue until the title read, Parkrun to Marathon and Back again.... but I don't want to be still writing this at Christmas! 

M + 7

Saturday 30 April 2016

Day 741

1.  My toe is so sore that it woke me up at 5am! Unable to get back to sleep I was googling GP drop in clinics and picturing a wide range of disaster scenarios...

2.  These ranged from the discovery that I had a broken toe (what a heroine I was for running a marathon with it!) to bring admitted to hospital with septicaemia (which would show that nurse with the withering look!) 

3.  Quick trip to volunteer (IN THE SUNSHINE!) at parkrun waiting for the clinic to open and a chance to compare feet with my fellow marathon running friend whose recovery is a fortnight ahead of mine...

4.  Oh dear! Let's just say that I decided a second trip to the doctors wasn't necessary and my one slightly red toe can probably be treated at home...

5.  And I can report that sitting with my feet in a bucket of warm water being brought tea and toast by Al (despite him just having run 11 miles - well done Mr L) is vastly preferable to sitting on your own with your feet in a bucket of ice!

M + 6

Friday 29 April 2016

Day 740

1.  Uh-oh! Not sure quite what happened this morning...

2.  Saw my first advert for next year's London Marathon and felt a yearning to be part of it!


4.  Thankfully the reality that I can't even run 3 miles at parkrun tomorrow, let alone 26 has brought me back to my senses...

5.  But for some inexplicable reason I am fighting the urge to google 'London Marathon Ballot' Aaarrrgghh!! Actually I could just have a peek, but only so I can tell Mr L....!!

M + 5

Thursday 28 April 2016

Day 739

1.  Oh dear! Took myself off to the doctors this morning concerned that the toes on my left foot are numb, the blisters on my right foot are sore and that I've been feeling nauseous since Sunday...

2.  I received such a withering look of 'what do you expect you've just run a marathon' that I didn't dare tell her that I'd set off on a sore foot, nor that I didn't like ginger when she suggested ginger biscuits and ginger beer as a remedy to my life threatening stomach 'bug'!

3.  Clearly time to change my mindset! These are the war wounds of a marathon runner... and I shall limp and belch with pride knowing the sacrifice it took to win them! 

4.  Or perhaps it was the company of a good friend, my favourite dog that isn't Dougal and the fact that my legs are almost back to normal that cheered me up! Loving hearing stories from people who tracked the marathon - glad to hear you're tempted Mr J, I tried my best to convince Mrs J to go for it but she's read too much of my blog to be won over easily! 

5. Sorry! Let me just back track a minute.... Ginger beer?! Figure if going to end up feeling a bit sick I might as well get there in style! Not every day Mr L comes home to find there's champagne on ice - but then it's not everyday you turn 46 having just run a marathon!

M + 4

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Day 738

1.  Not a good morning.  My feet are sore, my legs ache, I feel like sh*t and it's hard not to feel sorry for yourself when you're sat eating your breakfast with your feet in a bucket of ice!

2.  However, they did feel a bit better afterwards, I was able to walk a little further than yesterday and stairs aren't causing me quite so much of a challenge, but I'm still feeling nauseous and a bit on the miserable side.

3.  A bit?! It is becoming something of a joke in our house quite how far from post run euphoric I am...

4.  My poor long suffering wonderful husband, who deserves a medal of his own for living with me, had such high hopes that this would bring an upswing in mood long enough for it to actually be noticeable!

5.  Alas! 'Tis not to be! But I have photographic proof that I didn't hate every minute of the marathon! Marathonfoto have emailed me with the evidence! There, hidden amongst the usual horrors are a few which actually catch me smiling! Might be worth the £59.99 just to remind Al what that looks like!

M + 3

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Day 737

1.  Only one thing I wanted to do today - REST!

2.  Instead I got up, took the boys to school, went to the supermarket, put some washing on, walked the dog (ouch ouch ouch!), visited my parents, put some more washing on and then finally about 2pm got to curl up on the sofa with the dog! H is right, he makes a very good pillow! Two hours later I woke up when the boys got home, then it was time to make tea before driving across Leeds to take H to a swimming gala...


4.  Home at half ten, all I was able to do was crawl into bed. If I felt cheated out of yesterday's food fest, the fact that it is now two days since I ran a marathon and I STILL haven't managed to go an luxuriate in a hot bath is adding insult to injury! I knew things would have to get back to normal post marathon but I had hoped for a slightly gentler return than this!

5.  Oddest thing this morning, I almost found myself thinking that I could do it all again - what's that all about?! (And I do hope the email I got from Barnardo's this evening congratulating me for taking part in the 2017 London Marathon wasn't a premonition!) Thankfully the feeling was very fleeting and post dog walk I am resolutely NOT doing another -  meanwhile Al is still in the tempted camp, and H - on hearing that his Auntie stopped to drink beer en route - has enlisted her as his running buddy for London 2018!  Just tell me which miles you want me at with my cool box!

M +2

Monday 25 April 2016

Day 736

1.  Went to bed last night saying that I didn't think I'd make it to the spa this morning, however I slept so badly and my legs were so sore that I was almost in there when it opened at 6.30!  I have no idea if sitting in the steam room and going for a very short swim helped, but it was a pleasant way to spend the morning.

2.  As was going for breakfast! I was ABSOLUTELY STARVING and devoured an enormous cooked breakfast, unfortunately this revisited me shortly after arriving home, after which I retired to bed, slept until 9pm, got up had a couple of pieces of toast and went back to bed again.  I can't help but feel a little cheated on the whole - day after marathon day you can eat as much as you want - food fest!

3.  Whilst unable to sleep this morning I had a look at my splits on my Garmin, and was so chuffed with a sub 9 minute mile around the 24 mile mark, picturing myself pushing on desperate to get to the Barnardo's cheer station and all three of my boys, a mark of how much I love them and how strong I was even at the last....
Talking to some gentlemen on the train home I discovered that my Garmin will have paused when I went through the tunnel at Embankment!! In fairness this make much more sense as I don't actually remember that spurt of energy or increase in form (but the love was there!!).

4.  In fact there's lots I don't remember and it all feels a bit surreal.  I can't really believe that it's over, nor that it actually happened! (if that isn't the same thing!) but... something BIG must have taken place, because despite sitting with me at my most broken, Mr L is tempted to give it a go!!!

5.  And despite how poorly I'm feeling now, I had a fab weekend.  Sad parting company with my sis and FMG earlier today - so glad that you were part of it with me.

M + 1

Sunday 24 April 2016





To be fair I can't remember an awful lot about the day... but a LONG blog has been requested (thank you Marathon Man!) so I'll try and list as many points as I can!

1.  Awoke this morning to a lovely text from Etsy Favouriter with a photo of us, full of excitement, having just made our first bag sale at the dog show last August along with a reminder that back then I thought that running would be the easy bit! Oh how wrong I was!!

2.  Each runner is given a clear plastic duffel bag to put their stuff in for the end.  It quickly became apparent to me and my sis that perhaps we had missed the point of what to put in ours - for whilst everyone else's seemed to include a banana and protein drink we had focussed on a hairbrush and make-up!

3.  Sad parting company with FMG at the Cutty Sark DLR stop as she made her way to meet up with Al and the boys, and my sis and I headed on to Greenwich.  Thank you so much for being there to support us, wouldn't have been the same without you. Get that shoulder of yours sorted and your marathon day will come xx

4.  There was a steeper hill into Greenwich park than I was anticipating but I don't think it was supposed to count as my warm up!

5.   Bags deposited, toilet visited it was time to part company with my sis and head into zone 8 (of 9) and wait for the start.  It took until twenty past ten for me to get to the start, by which time the sun had come out and I was worrying about getting sunburnt and if I'd be too hot in my lovely new top, and as for not wearing my sunglasses....!!

6.  All of which went out of my head as soon as I started running! Had told myself that I was going to run/walk from the start and it was hard watching everyone else pass me, but I persevered as best I could, focussing on the fact that I just had to get to the seven mile mark and I'd see the boys and FMG (and unbeknown to me RH another parkrun friend)...

7.  I loved running round the Cutty Sark, the crowd there was fantastic, I was smiling and waving my hands to the TV cameras and just loving it knowing that I'd less than a mile to go to the first meet point... and then I was there and they were there and even though I was completely overwhelmed by how far I still had to run I was on a roll...

8.  Which was short lived! By mile 8 I was in the St John Ambulance tent self administering some BioFreeze to my left foot and right knee! But only four miles to go and I'd get to Tower Bridge and then only another five and I'd see the boys again...

9.  The theme tune to Black Beauty saw me over the 10 mile mark! I resisted the temptation to gallop!

10.  Turning the corner and seeing Tower Bridge was one of my favourite moments.

11.  After Tower Bridge there is a section where you run on one side of the road with runners much further round the course running on the other side of the road.  I've heard that this can be demotivating but I took the opportunity to try and see if I could spot anyone I knew from Dewsbury parkrun (managed one, of a possible four), it was a great way to take my attention away from my sore feet, my right one having joined in the party by now!

12.  It was a long way to seventeen miles and the first Barnardo's cheer station, but knowing it was coming up kept me going... quick change out of my running top, quick hello's to the boys and FMG, great news that my sis had made it to the half way point, quick bite of something to eat and it was off again to rejoin the relentless stream of people all starting to hobble towards their goal!

13.  Quick toilet stop at mile 18 and then back to it! It was tough, I was in pain, I felt sick, I was dehydrated but didn't want any more water, and I was really beginning to regret my decision to wear a sports bra I'd purchased over the internet in a panic last week and never run in until today! Actually I don't know if it would have made any difference I don't have the physique of an endurance athlete whatever underwear I'm wearing and my chest and belly had had enough of being jiggled up and down constantly for what had now been around four hours!

14.  Keep going.. they're waiting for you at 24.5 miles... you're almost there...

15.  Got to the Barnardo's station and couldn't spot the boys, then a little way after I saw the face of my lovely marathon running school friend AG who'd come up from Brighton and all I wanted to do was stop and talk to her, but all she did was scream at me "Don't stop - keep running!"

16.  Assuming this was because something bad would happen to my legs off I set, missing my cousins and Aunt in my bid to reach the finish! The Houses of Parliament took forever to pass, Buckingham Palace even longer, at 800m to go I thought I can't do this, then I saw the fountain and then I was on The Mall, the finish in sight... I HAD MADE IT!

17.  Barely able to stand I collected my medal, oversized T shirt, goodie bag and my bag before making my way out of the end and through the crowds to my wee family who were waiting for me!

18.  Actually it was me who was wee - I had shrunk! Seriously! For the first time in the forty one years that I've known her I was smaller than my friend! Just bizarre! Looking at the photo's I have just disappeared into myself, my neck and back having contracted presumably under the constant pressure of running for 4 hours 59 minutes and 33 seconds - THAT is why they told me to keep running! They knew how close I was to a sub five marathon!!!

19.  Thank you parkrunfastfinisher for keeping them up to date with my splits and estimated finish time!

20.  Goody bag pilfered by H, it was off to the Barnardo's after party! I must have looked rough when I arrived in the foyer of the hotel as I got a round of applause from the reception staff!

21.  Whether I looked it or not, I certainly felt it, and not long after lying down for my post run massage I was being brought a waste paper bin to vomit in should I need it.  Only trouble being it was perforated which didn't make for the most water tight of containers when the inevitable happened!

22.  Unfortunately Al and the boys had to head to their train, but we were joined by my Aunt, cousins and FMG who were back from the 24.5 station with news that my sis was still going!

23.  Another trip to the toilet to part company with what was left of the ghastly Lucozade Sport drink I had mistakenly thought was a good idea, and I returned to the party to be met with a sight that is by far and away my favourite image of the whole day....

24.  My sister sat, beer in hand, with the biggest smile on her face! She'd high fived all the little children, walked, run, walked some more, stopped and drunk beer with some spectators and finished in six and a half hours.  I love you sis!

25.  I couldn't have done it with you, I had to see what I could do. I don't know if it was worth the pain but by that point it was more sore to walk than run! But for the record I think yours was the better approach!

26.  Starting to feel better we had a fabulous evening celebrating before heading back to the hotel and taking our long awaited mojitos back to our room and drinking them in bed! (thank you FMG)

26.2  (Couldn't resist!) Thank you to everyone who made today possible.  Everyone who has supported me over the past two years, those who made the effort to come and be there today, those who were tracking me back home and sending me good luck messages, LC who was tweeting my splits and sending good luck messages, the Bionic Man for getting me to the starting line in the first place, every single person who took the time to come out and support us along the entire length of the course and the phenomenal organisation of the London Marathon itself.  I am SOOOOOOO pleased to have done it! I am NEVER EVER EVER doing it again!

Distance covered 26.2 miles
Total distance covered 1211.4 miles  

Saturday 23 April 2016

Day 734

1.  Glorious running morning in London this morning - viewed from my bed! Not quite as much sun for tomorrow but currently significantly less rain than once forecast...

2.  But it is freezing! And I haven't brought enough options of running kit to cope! Actually I probably have but I don't like it...

3.  A birthday next week, a very generous sister, and a more than patient friend and I have a gorgeous new top! And a fab bright pink lipstick to match my shoes! Bring it on!!

4.  Hugely anxious and although the steam room was lovely it didn't really calm my nerves! OMG its tomorrow!!!!

5.  Carb loading complete, limoncello necked all I can do now is wait, possibly sleep and pray! 

London - 1
Total distance covered 1185.2 miles  

Friday 22 April 2016

Day 733

1.  Dog food disaster averted it was time to see what else I could do with my time rather than get those last few bits into the suitcase...  Ooooh look the ladies parkrun T shirts are available I'd better get those ordered!

2.  Eventually time ran out and I had to face the fact that this was it!! No more hiding.... 

3.  Packed train full of marathon runners all looking and sounding better prepared than me! But the good news is that apparently the red start is for those who just want a riot! I'll keep you posted on that one! 

4.  Race numbers have to be collected in person (which I think is just an excuse to get you to visit the Expo and buy some new kit - despite every bit of advice on the subject being not to run in something you haven't worn before!) It was a truly hideous experience and one we were very glad to escape from! 

5.  Lovely early birthday treat dinner back at our favourite restaurant - thank you FMG before heading back to the tranquility of our hotel room! In my pj's by 8 o'clock on a Friday night in London... Nothing like soaking up the atmos!!

London - 2
Total distance covered 1185.2 miles  

Thursday 21 April 2016

Day 732

1.  Happy 2nd Anniversary to us!! (Happy 4th birthday to Dougal!) 

2.  Two years and it all boils down to this! I've run too much and not cross trained enough and despite any half hearted attempts to change I will still procrastinate like a master rather than do what I should be doing - like PACK!

3.  But hey my hair is looking good! And it was important that I spend time on my knitting and reducing my playlist down from 13 hours worth of tunes - even at my worst it can't take me that long!

4.  Aaarrrgghh for all my months of planning we've come to pack Dougal's stuff for his weekend away and we've no dog food! Nightmare! Which means that tomorrow morning I now have to go and buy some and drop it off before FMG comes to get me at 10, which in turn means that this evening I really have to go and pack! (But I'll just finish this first!) 

5.  Final pre marathon visit to the Bionic Man this evening! Legs as loose as they're going to be, tension melted out of my shoulders and the green light given to spend Saturday in the spa! Suitcase aside I am good to go!

London - 3
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Day 731

1.  First actual marathon anxiety dream last night - but at five sleeps left that's not bad going!

2.  The marathon was due to start and I was still collecting my number! This can't actually happen, as you can't get them at all on Sunday, so I'll know well in advance if there is a problem - but as we're heading to pick them up on Friday it'd have to be a very long queue! 

3.  Lovely surprise in the post - CD number 5 in my marathon running box set as complied by DJ Lou!  But after a conversation with my sis last night about the likelihood of our phone batteries not lasting the distance I am a little worried that I won't get to listen to them all! 

4.  I have however been out and bought a portable charger! Don't think I'll go as far as to carry it along with my other provisions in my running belt - but at least I can get back in touch with the world afterwards! 

5.  I caught myself daydreaming about our next holiday being one that involves the simplest of logistics... Hmm not sure dog in the boot, clothes on the back seats, boys on the train, 10 hour drive, hire second car, collect boys, go to supermarket to buy food before driving final 2 hours could be described as simple! But at least you won't be subjected to reading about it by then! 

London - 4
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Day 730

1.  Not quite as anxious as I was yesterday... partly due to the fact that I'm too tired to feel anything and partly due to my days endeavours.

2.  In an attempt to calm my mounting nerves I have spent the day planning (oh and looking after Mr & Mrs J's adorable dog again but that was a pleasure!)

3.  With so much of Sunday an unknown entity I have decided to concentrate my efforts on the two most important aspects...

4.  I think this shall serve us well as our first carb loading stop on arrival FMG...

5.  And a review which read "excellent cocktails in the hotel bar" on trip advisor when looking up the location of the Barnardo's after 'party' should take care of Sunday evening girls!

London - 5
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Monday 18 April 2016

Day 729

1.  My cousin asked today if it was starting to feel real yet.... my reply was no, not really but my stress levels would suggest that my subconscious is very well aware that something is going on.

2.  Actually my waking mind is more than aware of it too but I'm not sure I would go as far as to say I have actually got my head around the fact that it's happening in less than a week... (But a big thank you to FaceBook who have reminded me that I've got an event later this week - LIKE I WAS GOING TO FORGET!!)

3.  I'm all over the place! I did however manage to run a few steps today - but only because I got to the supermarket checkout with my purse still in the car.  Driving home was no better, my concentration slipped and was brought back into focus by a loud 'toot' (that I always assume is directed at me) only to discover that I was stretching my arms by pushing my palms into the steering wheel and inadvertently pressing the horn!

4.  But despite my ditzy demeanour I am slowly gathering bits and most excitedly have downloaded the Virgin Money London Marathon App! Sis we are showing as at the starting line... no wonder it doesn't feel real I'm in two places at once!

5.  Living in an otherwise all male house I don't often share my beauty regime plans (err perhaps because I don't usually HAVE any?!) but looks like I should have spoken to C earlier than I did.  On hearing of my appointment at the hairdressers on Thursday and my plans for a sun kissed body he pointed out the futility of it all with one simple question - "which one of your running photo's have you ever looked at and thought I'd look OK in that if only I had blonde hair and a tan?!" He may have a point!

London - 6
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Sunday 17 April 2016

Day 728

1.  A week today, one way or another, it will all be over, and I think it's fair to say that panic has well and truly set in!

2.  For someone who has spent the best part of two years planning this, I am beginning to feel increasingly disorganised...

3.  I had so much that I was supposed to be doing today and in the end I've hardly done any of it, and now I'm getting all worked up that I'll run out of time to do everything the way I want to do it, before I have to get on the train on Friday.

4.  Yet instead of doing anything about it I've spent the day knitting and playing runner support! Clearly I WILL NEVER LEARN!

5.  Four half marathon training runs in and the boys route a flat twelve mile course which involves me coming to collect them - what's that about?! One thousand one hundred and eighty five training miles the vast majority of them hilly and not one of them that was an out and not back - that's more like it! However sat in the sunshine at the cafe they finished at, drinking hot chocolate and eating cake and I've begun to think we've missed a trick girls!

London - 7
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Saturday 16 April 2016

Day 727

1.  Hopes soared this morning as the weather app changed to light cloud...

2.  But were dashed again later when the rain clouds returned!

3.  Meanwhile it was a cold but beautifully sunny morning at parkrun, almost perfect PB weather as Mr L (and Dougal) agonisingly finished a second outside their's.  Either that or that dodgy timekeeper was back! In a week full of parkrun petition's perhaps Mr L and fellow parkrunner should start one of their own to have her demoted to marshall next week...

4.  Oh wait! SHE WON'T BE THERE!!!!

5.  Very very glad that today was my last parkrun before the marathon.  I'm done spectating.  I just want to run! I'm done with churning out the same old 'oh it'll be what it'll be' line to everyone who asks and actually have something to tell them!

London - 8
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Friday 15 April 2016

Day 726

1.  Oh ye of little faith! Not only is my suitcase out of the cupboard but it has stuff in it!

2.  Namely my delightful lime green vest complete with freshly ironed on name - no missing me now!

3.  But to be on the safe side I have spent a large part of today pouring over the route map and google maps and by the time Mr L got in from work I was able to show him the exact spot I expect to see him standing on! I have even gone as far as to contact the cafe next to said spot to find out if they're open, which they are, and am contemplating putting my order in - coffee and danish around the seven mile mark sis?!

4.  Got my first peak at the expected weather today! But in good old BBC weather app style they have already changed their minds! It's gone from light cloud and ten degrees to sunshine and showers and twelve degrees.  Nothing I can do about it, but check hourly!!!

5.  Sticking with all things marathon this evening we watched a TV documentary on Dame Kelly Holmes' training to run this year's London marathon... I think it's fair to say we have three things in common - we have both never run a marathon before, we will both be running in London and we are both female, and I that's it.  There will therefore be a multitude of reasons why our performance at said marathon differs so greatly, she's an double Olympian - I'm not, she's fit - I'm not, she's dedicated in a way I can only dream of.... but I would however like you to focus on only one... she's had an EPIDURAL to cope with the pain of training and I've got a bottle of Biofreeze!!!

London - 9
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Thursday 14 April 2016

Day 725

1.  Lovely walk with FMG this morning, starting to make plans for our trip next week and even starting to get a little excited which is just as well really as there's...... TEN DAYS TO GO!!

2.  Time to start believing it's actually going to happen!!

3.  Time to start stocking up on race day food! Consequently my porridge pot of gruel has been purchased along with many options of energy bar to somehow carry round with me in case I get a little peckish! 

4.  I might even get my suitcase out soon and start putting things in it as I remember them! I know!! Who am I?! 

5.  Although what's the betting that it's still in the cupboard this time next week when I come to actually having to pack?! 

London - 10
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Day 724

1.  C popped round to see my dad this afternoon and ended up discussing Newtonian Physics! (Not bad when your Grandpa's eighty nine!).  Also somewhat apt as I too have been thinking about it today - yes really! Namely Newton's third law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction...

2.  You put an insole in your shoe for arch support and it rubs on your heel, you go on an exercise bike to rest your foot and an old coccyx injury flares up... for every forward step I take, there is a subsequent backwards one!

3.  I've had enough.  To the extent that I don't want to run a week on Sunday.  I'm done, before I even get there.

4.  Except that the one thing I want to do less than run a marathon, is not run one! I'd never be able to watch it on the TV again, knowing how close I'd come to being there.  I don't want to do it, I can't not do it.  Damned if I do, damned if I don't!

5.  Which brings me to Newton's first law whereby I will remain inert unless there is a force working on me, and his second, if there is a force applied to a mass there will be acceleration - so (stick with me here!) in conclusion as long as the thousands of other runners coming behind me keep exerting enough forward pressure then I'll have to move with them whether I want to or not!

London - 11
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Day 723

1.  Unconvinced of the merits of either of the two insole options I bought yesterday, I found myself in another shop first thing this morning buying another alternative that I was equally as unsure of.

2.   But, feeling like I have to at least give it a go I popped a pair in my wellies and set off around the park with Dougal and my favourite cocker spaniel on loan for the afternoon.

3.   I just couldn't seem to get them to sit comfortably.  They were either in the right place for my arch in which case they weren't right under my heels, or comfortable under my heel and not right under arch.  Trying to convince myself that perhaps they aren't supposed to feel comfortable, or that they weren't designed to go inside wellies (and therein lies the truth of why I think it's taking quite so long for my foot to mend) I persevered in a kind of clutching a straws no pain no gain kind of a way.

4.   Time to seek some advice and phone Scholl.... only in taking a closer look at the box for their phone number I found a very small and obscurely placed (not on the front of the packaging at all) reference to the fact that they were designed for feet at least two sizes smaller than mine!

5.  Lets hope I have better luck with option number 2 tomorrow!

London - 12
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Monday 11 April 2016

Day 722

1.  Last night I posted a link to my fundraising page on FB, this morning the lovely Mrs J shared this post accompanied by a request for her friends and family that know me, to help me reach my fundraising target.... and suddenly my life was thrown into disarray of the most disturbing nature...

2.  AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH! This random act of kindness had made me feel like David Cameron! Not an experience I EVER want to repeat!

3.  Not quite sure you're following why?! I have undeclared off-line fundraising! I don't need help to reach my target - but if anyone still wishes to donate I will gladly exceed it!

4.  Especially after watching a particularly harrowing documentary on child sex abuse this evening.   Brought home how important the work of Barnardo's is, and how the money you've helped me raise will make a difference to the lives of those children they work with.  For which I thank you.

5.  Foot feeling considerably better after a visit to the Bionic Man this afternoon.  Current thinking is that it a ligament that is causing the problem and that it might benefit from some additional arch support.  Quick trip up to Boots and my head is spinning.  Too many options.  Not enough information and no fairy godmother standing next to the display whispering.... "buy these they will turn you trainers into magic shoes!"  Actually perhaps what I need is a house to fall on my marathon running friend and I can have the trainers she ran in yesterday because a day later and she's running to a circuits class!  That's it! I need TK's ruby slippers! Either that or her commitment to cross training...

London - 13
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Sunday 10 April 2016

Day 721 - TWO

1.  Very exciting and somewhat anxious morning live tracking my two training buddies at the Manchester marathon.

2.  News of their times at the 10K mark came in as expected and both making good time... then whilst updates continued for one flying through the half marathon and 30K mark, news of the other fell silent.

3.  Listening to my new run CD's and willing her on, my concern started to mount as time passed. Unable to wait any longer I found myself texting LR for an on the spot update, at the same time as I heard Sting singing "I'm sending out an SOS...." I'm not sure which came first!  Thankfully LR en route to the 17 mile mark had had the ingenuity to try to track the number of someone who had just run past and concluded that the tracking system was down as apparently they hadn't reached the half way point either! Hope was restored! Not that we'd ever given up on you EBE!

4. And nor should we.... they both finished in fabulous form! Actually I've no idea what sort of form they finished in, but from their times I'm concluding that it was a breeze and am refraining from getting in touch to hear anything to the contrary!

5.  Two weeks to go! I'm starting to get a wee bit excited about it now!! If my foot will just plateau at a level of pain I can cope with and lets face it I have had two children on nothing but Entonox - she says as a mark of her ability to withstand pain sixteen years ago! But let today be a lesson to you FMG and Mr L, if I go off grid I may still be running... albeit undercover - oooooh liking that thought... add the James Bond theme tune to my running list!

London - 14
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Saturday 9 April 2016

Day 720

1.  It is now over a month since I have run and I was almost tempted to give it a go at parkrun this morning.

2.  I decided against it on the grounds that running 5K at this late stage isn't going to make any difference to my 'performance' in London and if anything is more likely to set me back if it makes my foot worse - which I'm pretty sure it will. But I'm taking it as progress that I even thought about it!

3.  Instead I took up my post of scanner accompanied by coal carrying legend LR who came bearing gifts! Four of my very own CD's to add to my playlist... complete with illustrations of me reaching the finishing line! THANK YOU!! You've also inadvertently made me feel younger by calling them Pauline's Marathon Mix Tape 2016! Fifteen years my junior we are clearly still part of the same generation if you think of this, as I do, in terms of making me a TAPE!

4.  However, just like yesterday the age pendulum came and knocked me straight back to where it thinks I should be... I'm too deaf to hear the 'bleep' from the scanner and without knowing if it had bleeped was getting into an awful pickle as to whether or not it had worked! 118 runners, 2 barcodes to scan per runner, 236 requests for clarification from LR.... we swapped jobs after about the fifth! I was much happier as scanner support which involves standing with a pen and paper to record any numbers which won't scan.

5.  Although you'll be pleased to hear I did refrain from muttering that sometimes the old fashioned way is clearly still the best!

London - 15
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Friday 8 April 2016

Day 719

1.  There is a table printed on the display of the exercise bike which gives suggested heart rate for your age depending on whether you want to burn fat or do a cardio workout - shame you can't do both at once!

2.  The plan this morning had been to fat burn, but the playlist just kept throwing out my own very peculiar mix of 'killer' tunes and before long I had surpassed not only the magic fat burn number but also the cardio... and still it kept rising to the point where I was above the rate recommended for a 10 year old!

3.  Trouble is I'm not sure if this is a sign of how fit I am or that I was at risk of having a heart attack!

4.  I managed to convince myself it was the former and was happily feeling thirty something years younger, euphoric and invincible right up to point where I had to dismount and then try and walk! At which point the pendulum swung very quickly in the opposite direction and I was staring my eighties straight in the face!

5.  Mr L also had his old age brought that little bit nearer this evening! Setting out with parkrunfastfinisher and his two other half marathon buddies for a run that was supposed to be ten miles at the absolute max, it turned into eleven with hills that you wouldn't choose to walk up let alone run.  I think it's fair to say that running joy was no where to be seen in our house this evening, and GY will never be entrusted with the job of route master again!

London - 16
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Thursday 7 April 2016

Day 718

1.  Three days to go for my friends who are running the Manchester marathon on Sunday!

2.  They have both trained fantastically well, are in great shape and are going to smash it... But even for them anxieties are starting to rear their ugly head as our text conversation revealed this morning.

3.  Not to worry - one of them has run a marathon in flip flops pushing a wardrobe and still come back for more.  

4.  Only she hasn't - this was a dream (or nightmare depending on your idea of fun!) I just can't read. Either that or it was wishful thinking, by which I mean if she can do that I will be fine, not that I'd like to be a flip flopped wardrobe pusher!

5.  Although to be fair I don't care how I do it as long as I finish! 

London - 17
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Day 717

1.  Uh-oh! My flippancy at Divine intervention has been met by the metaphorical lightning strike! Following my somewhat over enthusiastic cycling yesterday I have chaffed in places I would rather not have chaffed in!

2.  But it would appear that this is not punishment enough and in addition my fake tan has developed overnight and on waking this morning it became apparent from the glow in the bedroom that I have been Tango'd!

3.   Let me put this into context.  When purchasing foundation make-up that is a good match to my natural skin tone I get the choice of shade with a name like 'Alabaster' otherwise known as 'white stone'.

4.  Why then I thought my appearance at an event, at which I am going to finish looking like a tomato anyway, would be enhanced by applying fake tan all over my face is anyone's guess...

5.  Actually it might not have been so bad if it had have been 'all over' but I have streak marks round my hairline and the inverse of panda eyes, whilst my white hairs which normally sit relatively quietly against my beautifully pale skin are now beaconing out against their orange backdrop!  When is it going to dawn on me that there is NOTHING about this marathon that's going to be pretty?!

London - 18
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Day 716

1.  Fellow parkrunner asked the million dollar question today "what is wrong with your foot....?" The answer recognised by millions of runners worldwide... "I don't know but I don't want to go and find out as they might ban me from running!"

2.  So in search of my own solution I headed to Boots to buy some recommended Biofreeze pain relieving roll on...  Not sure why it didn't dawn on me that the clue is in the name, but I am now taking my Count Bezukhov analogy to a previously unimagined level.... I have a frozen foot! Albeit a less sore one!

3.  Following a conversation with a friend there is now a small(!) musical theatre section on my playlist  - as well as galloping Black Beauty style I may well be sashaying across Tower Bridge flouncing my imaginary skirts being Nancy from Oliver!

4. Whilst in tribute to our time spent front of house at the local theatre schoolfriendofMG750 there are a couple of my favourites from Godspell! One about putting a stone in my shoe and calling it 'dare' as a challenge to myself - so perhaps in answer to your earlier question fellow parkrunner the correct response is "I have a pebble in it!"

5. The second is a much less symbolic but much more upbeat number, which saw me light ALL SEVEN effort level bars on the exercise bike this morning - perhaps it was Divine intervention!

London - 19
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Monday 4 April 2016

Day 715

1.  My foot has been awful today BUT I'm keeping the faith and the marathon planning continues regardless...

2.  You'll note the use of the word planning and not training! There was none of that done today!

3.  BUT our restaurant is booked for the Saturday night - lots of tasty looking pasta, potatoes and bread on the menu...

4.  AND my tub of self tanning cream was delivered this morning!  I might not be be able to run very fast, and I might look less than attractive in my Barnardo's lime green vest, BUT at least now I might look sun kissed - or orange depending on how it goes!

5.  The Business Bakery quoting Nelson Mandela today....

... let's hope I can summon up even a fraction of his fortitude.

London - 20
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Sunday 3 April 2016

Day 714 - THREE

1.  Three weeks to go! I can officially start my taper! This is where I'm supposed to reduce the amount I'm exercising whilst still eating the same as when I was exercising so as to rest my legs and get some carbohydrate back into my muscles....

2.  There are a couple of problems with this... firstly if I reduce the amount I exercised last week I would in fact be doing nothing, and secondly I don't think anyone would recommend carb loading to me if they knew how much I'm already consuming!

3.  There is a word of warning that does ring true however, that if you start to feel fatigued perhaps you need to up your game slightly!  (Start to feel fatigued - it's my default position!)

4.  So back to the gym this morning.... fifty one and a half minutes, twenty two kilometres on the exercise bike and I still didn't burn off enough calories to counteract Friday's Pringle fest!  Add in the Simnel cake and I'd have had to cycled all day to break even!

5.  There is good news however! After binge watching War and Peace in Mr L's absence (but happy to report that HE'S HOME AGAIN!!) I am encouraged to learn that after marching for days and days through thick snow and icy winds, malnourished, with ill fitting boots (if any at all) a few days sleeping and you're as good as new! What's twenty six miles, fully fed and in shoes designed to go the distance compared to that?! We'll be fine sis! 

London - 21
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Saturday 2 April 2016

Day 713

1.  I've done it!! I have joined the parkrun 25 volunteers club!

2.  Somewhat proud of this achievement especially as it coincided with Dewsbury parkrun's 200th event.

3.  Which, if nothing else makes the maths easy... I've volunteered at an eighth! But as they had run 50 before I'd even heard of parkrun that makes it a sixth! And in terms of the 125 Saturday's that I've spent in Crow Nest Park a fifth!

4.  Which is impressive commitment, even if I do say so myself... and simultaneously an awful lot of time on the injury bench!!

5.  Watching the runners from beneath my umbrella this morning it's getting increasingly hard to imagine ever running up that hill again - but Mr L, after taking a break from juggling to run at Perth parkrun this morning, has now run more parkrun's than me and I'm not sure how I feel about playing catchup! Actually I think we all know that however much I'm proud of him and the fact that he's turned himself into a runner, I don't like it at all! Especially as he did it in 23 minutes 19!!

London - 22
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Friday 1 April 2016

Day 712

1.  Finally I've found a way to have a guilt free lie in! Unfortunately it required having the dog sleep upstairs so that when he woke up at 7 and climbed onto the bed he then settled back down for a cuddle and the next we knew it was 9 o'clock...

2.  I'd get home soon Mr L whilst your side of the bed's still belongs to you! 

3.  There is good and bad news on the Pringles front... The good news is that there was almost a full tube left over from last night.  The bad news is that after snacking on them all day I've discovered that I've eaten well over 500 calories worth - eek!!

4.  So like a true addict trying to kick her habit I have resorted to throwing the rest of them away. 

5.  Which I think means I can have a piece of cake with all those calories I've just 'saved'!

London - 23
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Thursday 31 March 2016

Day 711

1.  Last night I was sat knitting on a barge, this evening I'm hiding out with my needles in my bedroom having been hoodwinked into hosting a party for H and his friends.

2.  I say host - I mean provide the house, food and alcohol for said party and then go downstairs on pain of death!

3.  Which is a shame as before my banishment I saw someone arrive with Pringles and I really really want some!

4.  With three and a bit weeks to go I seem to have started my carb loading a little early - at the rate I'm going if my foot gets too sore I'll be able to curl up into a ball and be rolled round!

5.  PS being trapped upstairs with the dog isn't all bad...

London - 24
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Day 710

1.  Determined to have a more productive day than yesterday it was back to the gym this morning and some more interval training on the exercise bike! (Still enjoying it more than I thought I would but shhh don't tell anyone!)

2.  There are seven rows of lights on the display which as far as I can tell light up depending on how much effort you put in  - I got six rows lit this morning! Admittedly not for long but a far cry from 'workout paused'! 

3.  Said goodbye to one of my gym friends - sooner or later we will both no longer be there! Me because I'LL HAVE LEFT! She because she's very near to having a baby (and is STILL fitter than me!) Felt quite sad (seriously starting to worry that I might miss it!)

4.  Felt quite sad when I got home too - Mr L has left for the British Juggling Convention. House not the same without him. 

5.  But a new experience to pass the time this evening - community knitting meet up on a barge we plan to yarn bomb in June! Having always harboured a romantic notion of living on a houseboat I can tell you now it isn't going to happen! The noise of the motor meant I couldn't hear anything and the slight rocking motion was enough to make me feel slightly queasy! But knit enough to cover a boat... My already fairly extensive list of things to do once the marathon is over just got busier!

London - 25
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Day 709

1.  I feel like a car whose lights were left on last night....

2.  I have woken up with a flat battery! 

3.  Unlike a car however I couldn't find the equivalent of jump leads or a way to bump start my day and so spent most of it doing very little.

4.  Coincidentally?! My newfound enthusiasm for runner support continued this morning and I was very happy to wave the half marathoners (and Dougal) off without a single wish that I was going with them! 

5.  Might have had a little to do with the fact that it was raining!

London - 26
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Monday 28 March 2016

Day 708

1.  Ha! Sat on the exercise bike this morning with the pain in my foot increasing with every revolution it dawned on me...

2.  My foot's been feeling better because I haven't done any physical exercise since Friday morning! 

3.  Disappointing but nothing to the pain that my friends put themselves through at the World Coal Carrying Championships! 

4.  Had such a fun time. Stood near the finish line we were impressed enough with the effort before we walked down to the start line and saw how far they'd come! Well done MK - sixth in the veterans race! Fabulous performance by my knitting buddies in the woman's race.... so many strings to your bows!

5.  Appetite whetted Mr L?! Even if it is a little disconcerting that the event is sponsored by the local undertakers?!

London - 27
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 707 - FOUR

1.  My foot is a little better! Since taking the tape off on Friday night I have noticed a slight improvement, especially first thing in the morning when I get up.  There is hope!

2.  AND there is still a whole four weeks left for additional improvement - FOUR WEEKS?! It is scarily close and yet still can't come soon enough!

3.  Not much time to spend deliberating about it today - I spent the majority of it on a film set watching H being a foul mouthed drug dealer (so proud!). I use the term 'film set' in it's most basic form, it was indeed where the film was being set, it's just that in this case that was a farm yard and it was freezing!

4.  It was however really interesting and all was going well until I heard the words "mum in shot" being shouted by the director and they'd to re-shoot the scene! Worse was to come when I found out that H was to actually get shot! How many times do I have to watch my son die on stage and now on film?! (Except that this was rather cool cause he had some remote controlled explosive device strapped to his tummy which was detonated when he got shot and it caused 'blood' to burst out of his T-shirt on cue!)

5.  Six hours on my feet, no food, dehydrated and at the same time needing a wee - who'd have thought when I set out this morning I'd have been doing some marathon training!

London - 28
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Saturday 26 March 2016

Day 706

1.  Fun morning at parkrun, although there were mixed reactions to my reaction times with the stop watch...

2.  MK more than pleased that I recorded his first sub twenty finish (to be fair I think this is far more to do with the fact that he's been training for the coal carrying World Championships on Monday than anything I did right)  Fellow parkrunner less than pleased that her recorded time was two seconds slower than that recorded on her Garmin robbing her of a PB (to be fair, given how cold my hands were, it could have been worse! But after a public FB shaming (how very dare you!) I have suggested she put a bit more effort in next time to be on the safe side!!!).  I'd have been gutted and am really sorry RLB.

3.  Watching Mo Farah compete in atrocious weather at a World Half Marathon championships this afternoon I was, as always, in awe of his ability but very glad that I wasn't part of the masses running behind.  Sat quite happily I wasn't prepared for the London Marathon trailer that came on after! It's the first I've seen this year and it just keeps getting a little bit more real! Cleverly edited it did the trick of inspiring me - just a shame my anxieties resurfaced in equal measure!

4. Yes! I am still stressing about the logistics!  None of it is panning out as per my expectations and in the absence of anything concrete to hold onto all I've got left is panic! The pub where Al and the boys were going to be is the only area listed as PLEASE GIVE A WIDE BERTH, my plan to run on the right hand side of the road may well be scuppered as slow runners are requested to stay away from the blue tape on the road showing elite runners the fastest line and I may well then have to change sides accordingly - which matters because how will I be able to tell the boys which side I'll be on?! Especially as I might not finish in enough time to see them at the end before they've to get their train home.... STOP!! If only I'd done a course in Mindfulness to  keep my mind on the present!

5.  I would like to put it in writing that not only did Mr L acknowledge that he was feeling a little post parkrun euphoric this morning (a rarity) but he suggested that he might be interested in entering the coal carrying champs next year! A kilometre with 50kg of coal on your back?! (admittedly I'd only have to carry 20) My new found role of runner support looks like it might be continuing!

London - 29
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Friday 25 March 2016

Day 705

1.  Beautiful sunny morning just the perfect day to go to the gym and spend an hour on an exercise bike!

2.  BUT motivational tunes a go-go (no that isn't a reference to the inclusion of Wham!) I managed twenty km and left feeling almost euphoric!

3.  I am now trying to work out if I can get to there tomorrow before the gym closes on Sunday and I'll have to wait until Monday for my next fix....

4.  Help! What has happened to me?!  I'm hoping it's part of the whole leaving the gym rose tinted glasses thing and I really won't miss it come the end of April!

5.  Seems I cope a lot better watching Mr L head out for a run when he doesn't set off till his half marathon run buddies can get here at half seven this evening! Cold and dark, I was more than happy to wave them off and then go back to being curled up in front of the fire to await their return.  8.2 miles but at a speed faster than my race pace... I think I'll stick with being training support even when I could join you!

London - 30
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Thursday 24 March 2016

Day 704

1.  It's here! My marathon magazine and number have arrived!

2.  Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce myself... I am Marathongirl33452! 

3.  I think I'm supposed to be excited but instead it has just set off a wave of panic! 

4.  Forget about my foot and whether or not I'll be able to run...

5.  I've now got a whole magazine dedicated to the logistics of the day to read and worry over!

London - 31
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Day 703

1.  Going to hit the 20,000 page view on my blog this evening! Long since stopped checking viewing figures on an hourly basis but still somewhat excited by this milestone! THANK YOU!

2.  Starting to panic a bit that there is only four weeks left for me to train, and starting to think that I should have got into the gym on a more frequent basis....

3.  It's strange but since cancelling my membership (with effect from the 25 April) I have found myself almost wishing I hadn't!  The mind is such a curious thing.... now that it's too late to do anything about it I find myself fantasying about being a gym bunny and really fit.

4.  Never makes me stay any longer when I'm there though!  Nor work any harder!  Which is how I know it's a TRICK!

5.  BUT interval training on the bike wasn't quite as hideous as I thought it was going to be and I'm almost disappointed that it's gym strength work and not more of the same tomorrow.  See what I mean?! Next I'll be telling you I enjoy going and am going to miss it - at which point you have permission to shoot me!

London - 32
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Day 702

1.  I never made it to the gym today so no cycling interval hell to report on.

2.  Instead I shuffled round in a fairly incoherent daze, got through the day and went to bed as early as I could.

3.  Poorly?! Upset?! Or shell shocked after staying up till HALF PAST THREE whilst H finished his Performing Arts Portfolio?!

4.  House Drama competition tomorrow, which means this time last year I was stressing about getting all the costumes finished so I could get on with sewing bags - thank goodness that is all behind me!

5.  I was very clear on the issue of not making the costumes again this year, and it seems no one really stepped up in my absence.  I have no idea what H is going to wear tomorrow, but the other reason for going to bed early was to disappear before I found myself being asked to conjure up a unicorn outfit!

London - 33
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Monday 21 March 2016

Day 701

1.  A call for help over FB last night saw friends and family rallying to the cause and providing me with suggestions for their top motivational tunes.

2.  I should have done this sooner.... I returned from walking Dougal with my mood suitably uplifted!

3.  I have been to see the Bionic Man and had my foot taped, another exercise added to the list and instructions as to what level of effort I should be exerting on the exercise bike...

4.  Apparently it's not normal for someone to go so slowly that the bike announces 'workout paused' whilst still actually pedalling, so I have instead to do my own program which involves thirty second intervals of high intensity after every minute.... it's going to kill me!

5.  BUT it might help shed a few pounds as for whilst my training has taken a bit of a nose dive of late my appetite hasn't waned at all!

London - 34
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Sunday 20 March 2016

Day 700 - FIVE

1.  Day 700 and the roller coaster ride continues - think it's fair to say I'm in a bit of a slump at the moment.

2.  It's hard when it is the most glorious morning, the type that make running in the freezing rain worthwhile, and instead of donning your trainers and hitting the open road, you're playing running support (again) and watching Al and parkrunfastfinisher head out for their first half marathon training run.

4.  Hard too when you can't then join your friends in Leeds for a nice trot along the canal followed by beer and curry, or that you know your running buddies who accompanied you on the seventeen mile wet weather killer are taking the East Hull 20 miler by storm and the best you can manage is to sit at home applying some anti rheumatic cream borrowed from your eighty six year old mother!

5.  Five weeks.  I CAN do this and I WILL get there.  Not exactly sure how, BUT if you're at the bottom there's only one way you can go... time to get this on the playlist!

London - 35
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Saturday 19 March 2016

Day 699

1.  Another parkrun, another day not running....

2.  But no timekeeper disasters to report, so perhaps I'm getting better at something!

3.   It was hard watching Al and Dougal head off to run there.... I'm not adjusting to my role of runner support very well!

3.  Speaking with fellow volunteer LR afterwards I was saying that the worse thing about volunteering was getting your parkrun text, forgetting that you hadn't run and just being a little on the disappointed side when all it says is thank you, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

4.  On returning home I then received a lovely message from her which read as follows...

"Well done on volunteering for your umpteenth parkrun.  A new PB in number of smiles given to runners, your claps per minute remains at 125.  Thanks for volunteering. Well Done..... sponsored by aql"

This is more like it - perhaps I need to suggest it to parkrun HQ!

London - 36
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Friday 18 March 2016

Day 698

1.  My ultra running facebook friend posted a link to a pod cast today about feet, and how to fix them... just what I needed.

2.  So I set off to walk Dougal and instead of anything that might have been useful to my current predicament I got over an hour of discussion about blisters and how best to lance them and callous and what to do about it, and a very short sentence about sticking your feet in Epsom Salts to aid recovery!

3.  That and the suggestion that the pain in my feet is most likely being caused by my shoes and I should spend time finding the right pair for me.... BUT WHERE DO I GO TO DO THIS?!! Every shop has a different opinion and will ultimately sell me something else that until I run in I have no idea if they will make things better or worse!

4.  Meanwhile I have temporarily turned my back on my vegetarianism and purchased some fish oil, as I have been advised that Omega 3 will help, and although you can get Omega 3 from seeds the quantity advised to get the same intake makes it prohibitively costly.  This does not sit easily with me, but I am pulling out all the stops here (or clutching at straws?!).

5. Despite it's lemon flavour it is revolting and regurgitates on a regular basis (nice!) so between this and the thought of scabby feet it's fair to say I've spent rather a lot of today feeling a little sick!

London - 37
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Thursday 17 March 2016

Day 697

1.  A little story to start with today, courtesy of Jim Kirkwood...

" Once upon a time a psychiatrist had twin sons age eight.  One was an incurable pessimist - the other an incurable optimist.  Their father became alarmed and decided to try an experiment.  Christmas Eve he filled the pessimist's room with everything a boy could wish for; and he filled the optimist's room with horse manure.  Early next morning he went to observe their reactions.  The pessimist sat among the toys, books, clothes, sporting goods - just sat there - eyeing the presents suspiciously, trying to figure out what the catch was.  His father sighed and walked towards the other boy's room.  When he peeked in the door he saw him standing waist high in the middle of all the manure, shovelling it up in the air over his shoulder and laughing.  'Son' the father said, 'What's the matter with you? What are you so happy about?' The boy turned, still laughing and replied, 'Gee Dad, I figure with all this horse sh*t - there must be a pony!'"

2.  So, time to think about things from a different perspective...

3.  I was ignoring the issues I was having with my IT Bands and running regardless.  Perhaps I should be grateful for my foot injury as it has actually made me stop and take a break, and in the long run it might actually do me some good. (But it could do with getting better soon!)

4.  I am determined to remain optimistic.  It WILL all come good in the end.

5.  To hell with the pony.... I'm putting the theme tune to Black Beauty on my playlist!  Then if all else fails I can play it and gallop through the streets of London like Miranda Hart - Such Fun! (Fast forward to 32 minutes 11.....)

London - 38
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Day 696

1.  'Keep your goals in front of you and your fears behind you' read today's top tip from the Business Bakery.

2.  So with this in mind it was off to the gym to cycle away from them as fast as I could - not an easy task on a stationary bike!

3.  Half an hour, cardio workout - GO! Man it was harder than I thought it would be! To keep your heart rate at the predetermined level the resistance in the bike alters automatically to the point where I could barely push the pedals round! 

4.  Half an hour?! It felt like five! And then just as I was thrilled to reach the thirty minute mark, the bike launched itself into a five minute cool down phase... if I'd known that was going to happen I'd have set the bike for twenty five!

5.  Getting myself off at the end of it wasn't easy.  The second time on a bike in a week after not having been on one for possibly five years,  there are parts of me that are not happy!  

London - 39
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Day 695

1.  Sh*t forty days to go!!

2.  Today has not been a good day.  It is a week since I hurt my foot and it is showing no signs of recovery. 

3.  Car in the garage I had to walk four miles today and every step of it hurt. 

4.  I don't know what to do for the best. I've tried resting it as much as I can, now I'm wondering if I ought to try some manipulation see if I can't ease it off a bit.     This has lead to me standing on one of the dogs toys (you know which Mrs J!) and pushing my foot down into the ball at the end.  Said dog is less than impressed!

5.  I am however not alone in my injured state - several fellow Barnardo's runners are also suffering and shifting their focus from when they'll finish to just finishing!  I hope the Baranardo's supporters at the 24.5 mile mark have a lot of patience- they may be in for a long wait! 

London - 40
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

Monday 14 March 2016

Day 694

1.  Trying very hard to do my exercises twice a day as prescribed.

2.  But I think I am going to have to try and find a different time to do them other than first thing in the morning and last thing at night.  I'm just too tired when I finally make it up the stair to bed to face them.

3.  I thought exercise was supposed to kick start your metabolism and give you energy?! Mine seems to be draining out of me faster than I can replenish, despite my best efforts to rest!

4.  I have an Audioslave track on my playlist (made from someone else's running playlist) which contains the line "is this a cure or is this a disease?"

5.  The more I think about it, the more I think it is for this line that it was included in the first place - perhaps I'm not the first person for whom the line over whether running is doing me any good appears to be a little blurred!

London - 41
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles