Monday 2 May 2016

Day 743

1.  Bored being sat with my feet in a bucket of water (the being waited on didn't last terribly long!) I have decided on a new approach to fix my toe... schoolfriendofMG750'sgran's Sugar and Soap Poultice!

2.  I have been asked by a friend if I plan on doing a dance to the moon at the same time and my sis was ever so slightly sceptical, but I have every faith in Mrs F's remedy (still think of her G xx) and although I haven't peeped for a while I am convinced that it's getting better because the pain is subsiding, which I'm taking as a good sign and not indicative that I've lost all feeling in my toe!

3.  Struggling to know where to start picking up the pieces of my life post marathon - not because I'm so distraught that it's over - just that there is so much to do I don't know which bits to tackle first!  (And I thought suit shopping had taken me back to where I started...!!)

4.  One think I know for sure I'm not going to be able to move on from this if I put my name straight back into the hat for next year!

5.  So I'm not entering the ballot, which opened today.  Definitely 100% not doing it.  But Mr L is!!!!

M + 8

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