Tuesday 15 March 2016

Day 695

1.  Sh*t forty days to go!!

2.  Today has not been a good day.  It is a week since I hurt my foot and it is showing no signs of recovery. 

3.  Car in the garage I had to walk four miles today and every step of it hurt. 

4.  I don't know what to do for the best. I've tried resting it as much as I can, now I'm wondering if I ought to try some manipulation see if I can't ease it off a bit.     This has lead to me standing on one of the dogs toys (you know which Mrs J!) and pushing my foot down into the ball at the end.  Said dog is less than impressed!

5.  I am however not alone in my injured state - several fellow Barnardo's runners are also suffering and shifting their focus from when they'll finish to just finishing!  I hope the Baranardo's supporters at the 24.5 mile mark have a lot of patience- they may be in for a long wait! 

London - 40
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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