Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 707 - FOUR

1.  My foot is a little better! Since taking the tape off on Friday night I have noticed a slight improvement, especially first thing in the morning when I get up.  There is hope!

2.  AND there is still a whole four weeks left for additional improvement - FOUR WEEKS?! It is scarily close and yet still can't come soon enough!

3.  Not much time to spend deliberating about it today - I spent the majority of it on a film set watching H being a foul mouthed drug dealer (so proud!). I use the term 'film set' in it's most basic form, it was indeed where the film was being set, it's just that in this case that was a farm yard and it was freezing!

4.  It was however really interesting and all was going well until I heard the words "mum in shot" being shouted by the director and they'd to re-shoot the scene! Worse was to come when I found out that H was to actually get shot! How many times do I have to watch my son die on stage and now on film?! (Except that this was rather cool cause he had some remote controlled explosive device strapped to his tummy which was detonated when he got shot and it caused 'blood' to burst out of his T-shirt on cue!)

5.  Six hours on my feet, no food, dehydrated and at the same time needing a wee - who'd have thought when I set out this morning I'd have been doing some marathon training!

London - 28
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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