Sunday 20 March 2016

Day 700 - FIVE

1.  Day 700 and the roller coaster ride continues - think it's fair to say I'm in a bit of a slump at the moment.

2.  It's hard when it is the most glorious morning, the type that make running in the freezing rain worthwhile, and instead of donning your trainers and hitting the open road, you're playing running support (again) and watching Al and parkrunfastfinisher head out for their first half marathon training run.

4.  Hard too when you can't then join your friends in Leeds for a nice trot along the canal followed by beer and curry, or that you know your running buddies who accompanied you on the seventeen mile wet weather killer are taking the East Hull 20 miler by storm and the best you can manage is to sit at home applying some anti rheumatic cream borrowed from your eighty six year old mother!

5.  Five weeks.  I CAN do this and I WILL get there.  Not exactly sure how, BUT if you're at the bottom there's only one way you can go... time to get this on the playlist!

London - 35
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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