Monday 7 March 2016

Day 687

1.  I can't help but wish the marathon was sooner than it is...  like this weekend sooner!

2.  Then there would be nothing more I could do about it, except get out there and give it all I've got.

3.  As it is I have forty eight days to run, do my exercises, cross train, fine tune my nutrition and rest...

4.  Or alternatively I could avoid the majority of the above (like I have done today) and then fill my time worrying about not doing enough whilst doing nothing about it!

5.  I did make one small step in the right direction today - I decided to get my hydration levels back to where they were supposed to be with at least six pints of water a day.  I've got out of the habit of this and am really rubbish at keeping track, so desperate times calling for desperate measures I lined six pint glasses up on the window sill, ten green bottles style and took one away each time I finished the previous one!  First pint drunk before the school run, I'd to stop for petrol on the way home and found myself doing the wee wee dance at the pump! Think I might wait until after my run to start the process again tomorrow!

London - 48
Total Distance covered     1179.2 miles

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