Friday 11 March 2016

Day 691

1.  I received a text yesterday from my friend who was saying how sorry she was to hear about my injuries and how I don't deserve this.

2.  Actually I think I've got what was coming to me, this isn't an accident or bad luck.  I haven't put the cross training in.  It's a simple as that.

3.  I'm disappointed with myself.  I can joke about being lazy, disorganised, procrastinating, only doing the bits I like doing, always ending up at the same point and doing nothing about it, but actually getting to grips with the part of yourself that you don't like is hard.  But there's no escaping it.  It's my own doing.

4.  I'm just hoping that I've had a wake up call in enough time to do something about it.  It won't be ideal, but far better to spend the next six weeks trying to build up some strength than to have carried on regardless of any signals I was getting to slow down and be in this position with a fortnight to go.

5.   Walking the dog this afternoon and I had a little thought surface in my mind.... perhaps given that I clearly have shown no commitment to the work involved to turn me into anything like a serious endurance athlete I should stop being upset that my dreams of a sub five hour finish are evaporating before me.  If I haven't found the motivation in the past two years then it's unlikely that I'm ever going to. In which case perhaps I should accept that this is a once in a life time experience and get out and enjoy it - and who knows maybe even have some fun with the other fun runners.  I may stop short of a fancy dress costume though!

London - 44
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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