Wednesday 23 March 2016

Day 703

1.  Going to hit the 20,000 page view on my blog this evening! Long since stopped checking viewing figures on an hourly basis but still somewhat excited by this milestone! THANK YOU!

2.  Starting to panic a bit that there is only four weeks left for me to train, and starting to think that I should have got into the gym on a more frequent basis....

3.  It's strange but since cancelling my membership (with effect from the 25 April) I have found myself almost wishing I hadn't!  The mind is such a curious thing.... now that it's too late to do anything about it I find myself fantasying about being a gym bunny and really fit.

4.  Never makes me stay any longer when I'm there though!  Nor work any harder!  Which is how I know it's a TRICK!

5.  BUT interval training on the bike wasn't quite as hideous as I thought it was going to be and I'm almost disappointed that it's gym strength work and not more of the same tomorrow.  See what I mean?! Next I'll be telling you I enjoy going and am going to miss it - at which point you have permission to shoot me!

London - 32
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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