Thursday 3 March 2016

Day 683

1.  I have been to see the Biomechanics Man, and although a little battered and bruised, I feel like a different woman!

2.  A true superhero I think it's only fitting that you are here on in renamed the Bionic Man!!
(But a little less strength whilst you worked on my quads would have been appreciated!)

3.  Unsurprisingly there are exercises that I can do in the remaining weeks that will help, and that the more I do them the more help they'll be, but the jury is still out on my shoes.

4.  However what was absolute music to my ears was being told that it makes no sense to run twenty three miles next weekend, and twenty six three weeks after that. Pushing myself to that extreme is putting undue stress on my body and I won't benefit from it.

5.  Can't help feel that it's a little late to discover that I've been following the wrong training plan - just as well you didn't bother sis!

London - 52
Total Distance covered     1171.2 miles

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