Sunday 6 March 2016

Day 686 - SEVEN

1.  Nowhere on the BBC weather app did it mention flurries of snow or hailstones for this morning when I committed to running!

2.  I have read that you're supposed to run in the clothes you're planning on wearing for the marathon beforehand to make sure they are comfortable. Going to take a considerable upsurge in temperature before I try out my vest!

3.  Cold weather or otherwise - eight miles done! IT Band wasn't brilliant but got further than I did on Tuesday before it reared its familiar and somewhat ugly head! 

4.  My feet were a lot better however and I'm hoping will be better still following my 2 minutes in icy water, 2 minutes in hot treatment post run. Now I feel like an endurance athlete!

5.  Seven weeks till I run my first marathon.... Nine weeks till Mr L runs his first half!!!! Clearly motivated by my enthusiasm and cheery disposition over the past two years he's decided to up his distance.  Go Al! Very proud of you x 

London - 49
Distance covered                      8 miles
Total Distance covered     1179.2 miles

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