Monday 21 March 2016

Day 701

1.  A call for help over FB last night saw friends and family rallying to the cause and providing me with suggestions for their top motivational tunes.

2.  I should have done this sooner.... I returned from walking Dougal with my mood suitably uplifted!

3.  I have been to see the Bionic Man and had my foot taped, another exercise added to the list and instructions as to what level of effort I should be exerting on the exercise bike...

4.  Apparently it's not normal for someone to go so slowly that the bike announces 'workout paused' whilst still actually pedalling, so I have instead to do my own program which involves thirty second intervals of high intensity after every minute.... it's going to kill me!

5.  BUT it might help shed a few pounds as for whilst my training has taken a bit of a nose dive of late my appetite hasn't waned at all!

London - 34
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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