Wednesday 2 March 2016

Day 682

1.  I ache from the waist down, practically all the time and I just want it all to stop.

2.  I have no interest in exercising and little interest in running.

3.  If the marathon were this Sunday I'd be fine.  I'd get out there and give it my best shot....

4.  But it's not.  It's seven and a bit weeks away and I don't know how to motivate myself to keep going.  I am prepared to run through the pain in London, but the thought of setting out here for a long run when I know it's not going to be pretty just fills me with dread, so I'd rather not think about it.

5.  Which is precisely what I did today.... and I had a lovely time, busily filled with non running related stuff I fell into a contented sleep on the sofa next to my dog at half past eight. There might be something in this approach!

London - 53
Total Distance covered     1171.2 miles

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