Thursday 17 March 2016

Day 697

1.  A little story to start with today, courtesy of Jim Kirkwood...

" Once upon a time a psychiatrist had twin sons age eight.  One was an incurable pessimist - the other an incurable optimist.  Their father became alarmed and decided to try an experiment.  Christmas Eve he filled the pessimist's room with everything a boy could wish for; and he filled the optimist's room with horse manure.  Early next morning he went to observe their reactions.  The pessimist sat among the toys, books, clothes, sporting goods - just sat there - eyeing the presents suspiciously, trying to figure out what the catch was.  His father sighed and walked towards the other boy's room.  When he peeked in the door he saw him standing waist high in the middle of all the manure, shovelling it up in the air over his shoulder and laughing.  'Son' the father said, 'What's the matter with you? What are you so happy about?' The boy turned, still laughing and replied, 'Gee Dad, I figure with all this horse sh*t - there must be a pony!'"

2.  So, time to think about things from a different perspective...

3.  I was ignoring the issues I was having with my IT Bands and running regardless.  Perhaps I should be grateful for my foot injury as it has actually made me stop and take a break, and in the long run it might actually do me some good. (But it could do with getting better soon!)

4.  I am determined to remain optimistic.  It WILL all come good in the end.

5.  To hell with the pony.... I'm putting the theme tune to Black Beauty on my playlist!  Then if all else fails I can play it and gallop through the streets of London like Miranda Hart - Such Fun! (Fast forward to 32 minutes 11.....)

London - 38
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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