Friday 4 March 2016

Day 684

1.  Lovely text conversation with my marathon running school friend this morning who's advice was as follows....

"Listen to your body.... if it's saying it's knackered then rest rest rest"

2.  I'm liking this advice!

3.  She also said that a 26 mile training plan was good for the head, but not for the body and I had a strong tenacious head anyway which will see me through.  I think being friends for forty years might qualify as knowing me well enough for me to believe her.

4.  This advice couldn't have come at a better time.  Firstly because it fits in with what the Bionic Man was saying yesterday and means I can focus on much more achievable distances between now and M-day, which will hopefully give my IT Bands time to recover a bit; and

5.  Secondly, because Al had a snow day off work which meant that my productive day turned into a guilt free, fire lit by lunchtime, curl up on the sofa day!

London - 51
Total Distance covered     1171.2 miles

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