Friday 18 March 2016

Day 698

1.  My ultra running facebook friend posted a link to a pod cast today about feet, and how to fix them... just what I needed.

2.  So I set off to walk Dougal and instead of anything that might have been useful to my current predicament I got over an hour of discussion about blisters and how best to lance them and callous and what to do about it, and a very short sentence about sticking your feet in Epsom Salts to aid recovery!

3.  That and the suggestion that the pain in my feet is most likely being caused by my shoes and I should spend time finding the right pair for me.... BUT WHERE DO I GO TO DO THIS?!! Every shop has a different opinion and will ultimately sell me something else that until I run in I have no idea if they will make things better or worse!

4.  Meanwhile I have temporarily turned my back on my vegetarianism and purchased some fish oil, as I have been advised that Omega 3 will help, and although you can get Omega 3 from seeds the quantity advised to get the same intake makes it prohibitively costly.  This does not sit easily with me, but I am pulling out all the stops here (or clutching at straws?!).

5. Despite it's lemon flavour it is revolting and regurgitates on a regular basis (nice!) so between this and the thought of scabby feet it's fair to say I've spent rather a lot of today feeling a little sick!

London - 37
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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