Wednesday 13 April 2016

Day 724

1.  C popped round to see my dad this afternoon and ended up discussing Newtonian Physics! (Not bad when your Grandpa's eighty nine!).  Also somewhat apt as I too have been thinking about it today - yes really! Namely Newton's third law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction...

2.  You put an insole in your shoe for arch support and it rubs on your heel, you go on an exercise bike to rest your foot and an old coccyx injury flares up... for every forward step I take, there is a subsequent backwards one!

3.  I've had enough.  To the extent that I don't want to run a week on Sunday.  I'm done, before I even get there.

4.  Except that the one thing I want to do less than run a marathon, is not run one! I'd never be able to watch it on the TV again, knowing how close I'd come to being there.  I don't want to do it, I can't not do it.  Damned if I do, damned if I don't!

5.  Which brings me to Newton's first law whereby I will remain inert unless there is a force working on me, and his second, if there is a force applied to a mass there will be acceleration - so (stick with me here!) in conclusion as long as the thousands of other runners coming behind me keep exerting enough forward pressure then I'll have to move with them whether I want to or not!

London - 11
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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