Saturday 9 April 2016

Day 720

1.  It is now over a month since I have run and I was almost tempted to give it a go at parkrun this morning.

2.  I decided against it on the grounds that running 5K at this late stage isn't going to make any difference to my 'performance' in London and if anything is more likely to set me back if it makes my foot worse - which I'm pretty sure it will. But I'm taking it as progress that I even thought about it!

3.  Instead I took up my post of scanner accompanied by coal carrying legend LR who came bearing gifts! Four of my very own CD's to add to my playlist... complete with illustrations of me reaching the finishing line! THANK YOU!! You've also inadvertently made me feel younger by calling them Pauline's Marathon Mix Tape 2016! Fifteen years my junior we are clearly still part of the same generation if you think of this, as I do, in terms of making me a TAPE!

4.  However, just like yesterday the age pendulum came and knocked me straight back to where it thinks I should be... I'm too deaf to hear the 'bleep' from the scanner and without knowing if it had bleeped was getting into an awful pickle as to whether or not it had worked! 118 runners, 2 barcodes to scan per runner, 236 requests for clarification from LR.... we swapped jobs after about the fifth! I was much happier as scanner support which involves standing with a pen and paper to record any numbers which won't scan.

5.  Although you'll be pleased to hear I did refrain from muttering that sometimes the old fashioned way is clearly still the best!

London - 15
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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