Wednesday 20 April 2016

Day 731

1.  First actual marathon anxiety dream last night - but at five sleeps left that's not bad going!

2.  The marathon was due to start and I was still collecting my number! This can't actually happen, as you can't get them at all on Sunday, so I'll know well in advance if there is a problem - but as we're heading to pick them up on Friday it'd have to be a very long queue! 

3.  Lovely surprise in the post - CD number 5 in my marathon running box set as complied by DJ Lou!  But after a conversation with my sis last night about the likelihood of our phone batteries not lasting the distance I am a little worried that I won't get to listen to them all! 

4.  I have however been out and bought a portable charger! Don't think I'll go as far as to carry it along with my other provisions in my running belt - but at least I can get back in touch with the world afterwards! 

5.  I caught myself daydreaming about our next holiday being one that involves the simplest of logistics... Hmm not sure dog in the boot, clothes on the back seats, boys on the train, 10 hour drive, hire second car, collect boys, go to supermarket to buy food before driving final 2 hours could be described as simple! But at least you won't be subjected to reading about it by then! 

London - 4
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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