Sunday 17 April 2016

Day 728

1.  A week today, one way or another, it will all be over, and I think it's fair to say that panic has well and truly set in!

2.  For someone who has spent the best part of two years planning this, I am beginning to feel increasingly disorganised...

3.  I had so much that I was supposed to be doing today and in the end I've hardly done any of it, and now I'm getting all worked up that I'll run out of time to do everything the way I want to do it, before I have to get on the train on Friday.

4.  Yet instead of doing anything about it I've spent the day knitting and playing runner support! Clearly I WILL NEVER LEARN!

5.  Four half marathon training runs in and the boys route a flat twelve mile course which involves me coming to collect them - what's that about?! One thousand one hundred and eighty five training miles the vast majority of them hilly and not one of them that was an out and not back - that's more like it! However sat in the sunshine at the cafe they finished at, drinking hot chocolate and eating cake and I've begun to think we've missed a trick girls!

London - 7
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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