Sunday 3 April 2016

Day 714 - THREE

1.  Three weeks to go! I can officially start my taper! This is where I'm supposed to reduce the amount I'm exercising whilst still eating the same as when I was exercising so as to rest my legs and get some carbohydrate back into my muscles....

2.  There are a couple of problems with this... firstly if I reduce the amount I exercised last week I would in fact be doing nothing, and secondly I don't think anyone would recommend carb loading to me if they knew how much I'm already consuming!

3.  There is a word of warning that does ring true however, that if you start to feel fatigued perhaps you need to up your game slightly!  (Start to feel fatigued - it's my default position!)

4.  So back to the gym this morning.... fifty one and a half minutes, twenty two kilometres on the exercise bike and I still didn't burn off enough calories to counteract Friday's Pringle fest!  Add in the Simnel cake and I'd have had to cycled all day to break even!

5.  There is good news however! After binge watching War and Peace in Mr L's absence (but happy to report that HE'S HOME AGAIN!!) I am encouraged to learn that after marching for days and days through thick snow and icy winds, malnourished, with ill fitting boots (if any at all) a few days sleeping and you're as good as new! What's twenty six miles, fully fed and in shoes designed to go the distance compared to that?! We'll be fine sis! 

London - 21
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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