Friday 8 April 2016

Day 719

1.  There is a table printed on the display of the exercise bike which gives suggested heart rate for your age depending on whether you want to burn fat or do a cardio workout - shame you can't do both at once!

2.  The plan this morning had been to fat burn, but the playlist just kept throwing out my own very peculiar mix of 'killer' tunes and before long I had surpassed not only the magic fat burn number but also the cardio... and still it kept rising to the point where I was above the rate recommended for a 10 year old!

3.  Trouble is I'm not sure if this is a sign of how fit I am or that I was at risk of having a heart attack!

4.  I managed to convince myself it was the former and was happily feeling thirty something years younger, euphoric and invincible right up to point where I had to dismount and then try and walk! At which point the pendulum swung very quickly in the opposite direction and I was staring my eighties straight in the face!

5.  Mr L also had his old age brought that little bit nearer this evening! Setting out with parkrunfastfinisher and his two other half marathon buddies for a run that was supposed to be ten miles at the absolute max, it turned into eleven with hills that you wouldn't choose to walk up let alone run.  I think it's fair to say that running joy was no where to be seen in our house this evening, and GY will never be entrusted with the job of route master again!

London - 16
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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