Thursday 14 April 2016

Day 725

1.  Lovely walk with FMG this morning, starting to make plans for our trip next week and even starting to get a little excited which is just as well really as there's...... TEN DAYS TO GO!!

2.  Time to start believing it's actually going to happen!!

3.  Time to start stocking up on race day food! Consequently my porridge pot of gruel has been purchased along with many options of energy bar to somehow carry round with me in case I get a little peckish! 

4.  I might even get my suitcase out soon and start putting things in it as I remember them! I know!! Who am I?! 

5.  Although what's the betting that it's still in the cupboard this time next week when I come to actually having to pack?! 

London - 10
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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