Saturday 30 April 2016

Day 741

1.  My toe is so sore that it woke me up at 5am! Unable to get back to sleep I was googling GP drop in clinics and picturing a wide range of disaster scenarios...

2.  These ranged from the discovery that I had a broken toe (what a heroine I was for running a marathon with it!) to bring admitted to hospital with septicaemia (which would show that nurse with the withering look!) 

3.  Quick trip to volunteer (IN THE SUNSHINE!) at parkrun waiting for the clinic to open and a chance to compare feet with my fellow marathon running friend whose recovery is a fortnight ahead of mine...

4.  Oh dear! Let's just say that I decided a second trip to the doctors wasn't necessary and my one slightly red toe can probably be treated at home...

5.  And I can report that sitting with my feet in a bucket of warm water being brought tea and toast by Al (despite him just having run 11 miles - well done Mr L) is vastly preferable to sitting on your own with your feet in a bucket of ice!

M + 6

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