Monday 18 April 2016

Day 729

1.  My cousin asked today if it was starting to feel real yet.... my reply was no, not really but my stress levels would suggest that my subconscious is very well aware that something is going on.

2.  Actually my waking mind is more than aware of it too but I'm not sure I would go as far as to say I have actually got my head around the fact that it's happening in less than a week... (But a big thank you to FaceBook who have reminded me that I've got an event later this week - LIKE I WAS GOING TO FORGET!!)

3.  I'm all over the place! I did however manage to run a few steps today - but only because I got to the supermarket checkout with my purse still in the car.  Driving home was no better, my concentration slipped and was brought back into focus by a loud 'toot' (that I always assume is directed at me) only to discover that I was stretching my arms by pushing my palms into the steering wheel and inadvertently pressing the horn!

4.  But despite my ditzy demeanour I am slowly gathering bits and most excitedly have downloaded the Virgin Money London Marathon App! Sis we are showing as at the starting line... no wonder it doesn't feel real I'm in two places at once!

5.  Living in an otherwise all male house I don't often share my beauty regime plans (err perhaps because I don't usually HAVE any?!) but looks like I should have spoken to C earlier than I did.  On hearing of my appointment at the hairdressers on Thursday and my plans for a sun kissed body he pointed out the futility of it all with one simple question - "which one of your running photo's have you ever looked at and thought I'd look OK in that if only I had blonde hair and a tan?!" He may have a point!

London - 6
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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