Monday 4 April 2016

Day 715

1.  My foot has been awful today BUT I'm keeping the faith and the marathon planning continues regardless...

2.  You'll note the use of the word planning and not training! There was none of that done today!

3.  BUT our restaurant is booked for the Saturday night - lots of tasty looking pasta, potatoes and bread on the menu...

4.  AND my tub of self tanning cream was delivered this morning!  I might not be be able to run very fast, and I might look less than attractive in my Barnardo's lime green vest, BUT at least now I might look sun kissed - or orange depending on how it goes!

5.  The Business Bakery quoting Nelson Mandela today....

... let's hope I can summon up even a fraction of his fortitude.

London - 20
Total Distance covered     1185.2 miles

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