Sunday 31 May 2015

Roller Coaster

Just in case you missed Tuesday's announcement...


It's real.  It's happening.  It's soooooo exciting and yet and the same time it's more than a little overwhelming!  (Especially when after running only twelve miles yesterday my legs are a mess!).

In truth I can't quite believe it.  I am actually going to be part of something that I've wanted to do for such a long time.  I have a distant memory that's stuck with me of seeing my friend's dad's marathon medal proudly draped over a photo from the finish line, I think it was the Glasgow marathon so it must have been early 80's (for the benefit of Al, my sis and schoolfriendofMG750 I'm talking about MM - Sarah's dad, and STV reporter).  By 1987 I was prepared to say out loud that I wanted to run a marathon, but with the demise of my 'home' race, my sights were already set on London... and there they stayed, somewhat dormant but not forgotten, until last year when I plucked up the courage to verbalise it again - knowing that if I did so this time I would actually have to do something about it -and here I am! A paid up member of Team Barnardo's!

Unfortunately the daemons which live in my head have gone into overdrive and instead of being able to enjoy and savour the moment, I have been flooded with random thoughts and anxieties over logistics! I can't stay asleep, I can't settle long enough to get anything done whilst I'm awake, I seem to have completely forgotten that I'm supposed to be going to the gym, I have a to-do list which I keep remembering to add bits to but have yet to score anything off! I am an absolute nightmare to live with and there's the best part of eleven months to go - "Oh good oh" I can hear the long suffering Mr L say when he reads that bit! (But for the Scots amongst you I think calling me a "sarcastic bisom" was a bit harsh! Told you it was going in the blog Al!)

Although perhaps not the half term that he was hoping for, with hindsight I think it was very fortunate that this news came when Al was at home to help navigate me through it. I'm not sure I'd have coped without him- the fact that he was able to get lots of guitar practice done whilst staying out of my way was perhaps worth the roller coaster ride that has been the past week, but then again...

So I find myself sitting on another Sunday saying that I'm going to be better organised this week coming, that I'm going to get my head into gear, get focused and get moving, meanwhile (whilst writing this at quarter past one in the afternoon) my eyelids are loosing their fight against gravity and my body is screaming at me to sit still for a bit, to actually stop long enough to unwind.  Things may therefore not pan out quite as I would like them to over the next seven days - but who cares... I'll still be a London Marathon Runner at the end of it!  And when I think of that and nothing else I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, a smile creeps onto my lips and I dare to dream of what a fabulous experience it's going to be... thank you to each and every one of you that's got me this far.

M - 328
Liverpool Half - 14
Glasgow Half - 126
Total Distance covered   660.3 miles

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