Sunday 3 May 2015

Day 378

1.  Up at half seven to sit on the sofa, drink tea, eat chocolate digestives and chat with my sister.... still there at lunchtime! A truly lovely way to spend a Sunday morning.

2.  Unfortunately not going to be how I spend Bank Holiday Monday morning as sisterofMG750 went home this afternoon, but I am hoping for a lie in as Al took full advantage of the situation this morning and stayed in bed.

3.  Oh how wrong I was on Friday when I said I thought I'd worked out what was going on with my sewing!

4.  A very frustrating afternoon and evening involving lots of sewing, followed by lots of unpicking and finally lots of sitting in deep concentration whilst I try to get my brain to work out what on earth is going on, only to come to the conclusion that what I want to be able to do isn't physically possible!

5. Trouble is I now can't remember how I botched the first one!

M - 373
Liverpool Half - 42
Glasgow Half - 154
Total Distance covered   591.4 miles

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