Tuesday 19 May 2015

Day 394

1.  Utterly exhausted when I woke up this morning, even though I slept through the alarm - insomnia very kindly deciding to have a lie in too!

2.  For the first time (that I can remember at least) I was really doubting my decision to run three half marathons this year.  I just wanted it all to stop.

3.  The weather however was not going to be kind to us today, and in the end decided I would rather run in the rain than trudge around the fields with the dog in the rain. Dougal voiced his opinion by retreating to his bed but he wasn't getting out of it that easily.

4.  Came home in a much better mood, and was not only productive, but my head started whirring away on a fundraising idea that might just see a better return for my time than my attempts to sew my way to my target!  Was daring to believe that it might be the Vitamin B12 kicking in, but by four o'clock I was back to being exhausted and decided that it was probably just post run euphoria.

5.  Still no word from Barnardo's but an email from London Marathon thanking me for entering the 2016 Ballot and telling me that they'll be in touch with training plans and running guides in the near future.  The fact that they also told me that there are the best part of a quarter of a million of us who entered made me think that what they were really saying was 'Thanks, but don't get your hopes up!'.

M - 359
Liverpool Half - 26
Glasgow Half - 138
Distance covered               5.2 miles
Total Distance covered   623.5 miles

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