Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 384

1.  An all you can eat breakfast buffet instead of parkrun on a Saturday morning?! Very nice it was too.

2.  Not really knowing what to expect at the Open Day I'd spent a fair amount of time wondering what to wear and wasn't overly thrilled to see C pull one of his oldest T shirts out of his bag this morning.  A room full of potential Oxford Computer Scientists and (overwhelmingly) their fathers - at what point was it ever going to be about fashion?!

3.  Didn't make it into ONE shop.

4.  I was however immensely proud walking round one of the colleges later in the afternoon. I have no idea if they'll offer C a place but just being there with him today when it is a realistic possibility will do for me, and they'll be fools if they don't (although perhaps I won't suggest he writes that on his personal statement).

5. In my new found 'marathon' unit of measurement - at five hours we spent (hopefully) slightly more than one in the Computer Science department today, and at a little under four hours (definitely) less than one on the train home!

M - 369
Liverpool Half - 36
Glasgow Half - 148
Total Distance covered   599.7 miles

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