Saturday 30 May 2015

Day 405 - Parkrun 79

1.  Insomnia and Dougal both working together to ensure I was up at 5!

2.  Beautiful morning for an early morning run... all nine miles of it to parkrun.  Neither of us really wanted to go, and Dougal was very reluctantly coaxed out of his bed at ten to seven, however mentally felt loads better for having gone (or at least HMG and I did, no idea what the dog was thinking but he still wasn't tired even after a further three miles round the park!) but physically the number of miles we've put in of late is starting to take it's toll.

3.  Second female home at parkrun -there were a lot of regular's missing - and a rather fearsome sprint finish as I desperately tried to maintain my position and not be pipped at the post by the runner I could hear gaining on me from behind. My bubble of pride was burst a little when I turned round to discover a junior boy aged 11 -14 behind me!

4.  Congratulated at the finish line by one of the other runners who started telling me I reminded him of a local female athlete from a few years ago who ran for GB! He then went on to mention her dropped shoulder and strange running gait but I'd stopped listening after the words "top notch".

5.  Don't feel particularly top notch this evening - I ache and feel every step of the twelve miles run with every move! Not the most promising start to our taper to Liverpool! But two weeks to recover and foam roller and cross train and find the force...

Ready to disco?!!!

(and NO! sisterofMG750 and HMG we have not already had enough!)

M - 329
Liverpool Half - 15
Glasgow Half - 127
Distance covered                12 miles 
Total Distance covered   660.3 miles

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