Friday 1 May 2015

Day 376

1.  Uh oh! When I tried to post a link to yesterday's blog on Facebook it was blocked for security reasons! When I changed me sentence from 'arm*d with a pair of s@issors' to 'let loose with a pair of scissor's' it was allowed.  Scissor army beware - if I need to call you into action I may have to find a different social media sight to do so!

2.  After yesterday's reference to Billy Ocean I think it's only right that I mention the fact that I've now been singing Rockwell's 1984 'classic' "Somebody's Watching Me!"

3.  You Tube video watched (no, not for the music video), paper pattern played with and I think I might have finally got my head round what I should have been doing with my sewing yesterday.

4.  In a show of will power the likes of which, lets face it, are rarely seen. I resisted the temptation to get all my sewing stuff back out that I'd packed away yesterday and got on with the job in hand of tidying the house instead.  I am however itching to have a go - not least because if it works it will hopefully speed up the production 'line' somewhat!

5.  SisterofMG750 is here! Not only great to see her but she is looking great! A real advert for what sticking to the gym transformation programme can do.  Didn't make it myself today, but I will be back on Monday! Is that a gauntlet you have laid before me sis?!

M - 375
Liverpool Half - 44
Glasgow Half - 156
Total Distance covered   582.4 miles

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