Friday 29 May 2015

Day 404

1.  I'd joked about being easier company to keep when I was miserable earlier in the week, but the flighty mess that I've become since hearing about the marathon is taking some living with!

2.  BUT I've had my official email and paid my registration fee - NO GOING BACK NOW!!

3.  Rather than sitting aimlessly trying to plan my pre race prep for next April, I thought it might be a slightly more constructive use of my time to organise our pre race prep for Liverpool... table booked for Saturday night HMG - two types of risotto to choose from no less!

4.  If my insomnia could just stay long enough to see me get up at five tomorrow morning that would be great.  Thereafter I would really like to be able to relax, if even just for a little while!

5.  There is however, BIG NEWS if you've been reading this since the start of the New Year, and somewhat small news if you haven't..... the airing cupboard has been emptied, sorted and put back neatly! Items have been removed and either charity shopped or thrown out, and there is only a small amount of the boys old Lego still (albeit on a temporary basis) living in there after I clearly ran out of other cupboards to store it in!

M - 330
Liverpool Half - 16
Glasgow Half - 128
Total Distance covered   648.3 miles

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