Thursday 28 May 2015

Day 403

1.  Car in for repair this morning, excellent excuse to go and run near where we used to live and where we used to walk Sid.

2.  It was also where I went on my very first (post school) run six years ago. Ten minutes - one minute jog, two minutes walk.  Never would have guessed then where it would take me (nor you sis, it was you signing up for your first 10K that got me off the sofa!).

3.  Bit mean to Al whist running this morning, he was struggling at one point and couldn't work out why it wasn't quite coming together.... didn't let on until we got home that I'd considerably upped the pace from Tuesday by about a minute and a half per mile!

4.  Got my comeuppance later when my knee which had been looking loads better first thing, swelled back up.

5.  Second Vit B12 jab yesterday, still not seeing any benefits from it, and would seriously contemplate spending all of tomorrow in bed ahead of Saturday's early start and twelve mile run, if I thought for one minute that my mind would sleep too!

M - 331
Liverpool Half - 17
Glasgow Half - 129
Distance covered                 5 miles
Total Distance covered   648.3 miles

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