Thursday 7 May 2015

Day 382

1.  A morning off school to study for this afternoon's exam saw C wanting a lift to the gym instead! Which posed a bit of a dilemma as to what I should do, today being a 'run' and not a 'gym' day.

2.  In the end I opted for half an hour foam rollering my legs (ouch! Ouch! OUCH!) and did my three mile run on the treadmill, neither of which I am keen to repeat.

3.  In an attempt to avoid the non completion feeling of guilt I had on Monday, I had a quick chat with the Biomechanics Man (whilst foam rollering I hasten to add - couldn't have held a conversation whilst maintaining the relentless pace on the horror that was the treadmill) about an alternative to the 'prowler' ('Geoff Capes' dead weight push thing) if it's being used by someone else... BURPEES?! I'll wait for the prowler thanks!

4.  Slightly sad that I didn't run that little bit further and cross the six hundred training miles mark, very glad that I will instead reach this milestone on Sunday with HMG in the fresh air and running on the open road instead.

5.  There is a rat running a mock in our garden. You could say he was taking the proverbial but in truth he's more likely to be leaving a trail of it! Sid the dog would be turning in his grave, if he had one - I have rotated the vase in which he currently resides on his behalf.

M - 371
Liverpool Half - 38
Glasgow Half - 150
Distance covered               3.1 miles
Total Distance covered   599.7 miles

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