Sunday 17 May 2015

Four weeks till Liverpool!

Four weeks till Liverpool, and the second of our three half marathons this year.  Starting to feel a bit apprehensive about it and a small spasmy twinge (!) at the top of my left leg is making me all the more anxious. I think it's how the issue with my IT Band started last time and I'm going to have to keep my eye on it.  I don't know whether to be glad that there's four weeks still to train, or wish that it was a lot sooner than that and I could just get it over with and deal with the consequences - although that doesn't really fit with my original goal of finishing in good enough shape to keep running!

Sometimes it takes saying something out loud for it to really hit home.  Asked yesterday if the Biomechanics Man had said I would always have a weakness with my IT Bands I had to stop and think, because to be honest I couldn't remember.  Without wanting to put words in his mouth, I think the answer would be "No" quickly followed by "As long as you're prepared to put the work into sorting it - but for whilst the time you spend running vastly outweighs the time you spend on strength work and cross training then almost certainly yes". With this in mind I decided that I really ought to go to the gym this morning!

Insomnia still coming to greet me at around 5am, I had got up and made another bag before the gym even opened, but by the time the clock had ticked round far enough I really couldn't be bothered going.  However a text to C to wish him good luck today at the second day of his Underwater Hockey GB selection weekend, and I decided that I was going, whether I wanted to or not.  Very proud of my boys and keen to see them happy and succeeding in their chosen specialisms, I would however hope that I stop short of being a stereotypical pushy mum.  That said, I know I have been fairly unforgiving over keeping C on track with his somewhat gruelling training schedule over the past few months - time will tell if it's paid off for him, but time this morning for me to practise what I preach and just get there and get on with it!  I even did some dreaded burpees when the prowler was occupied (but am very grateful that I didn't ask the Biomechanics Man how many of them I should be doing!).

M - 361
Liverpool Half - 28
Glasgow Half - 140
Total Distance covered   618.3 miles

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