Wednesday 6 May 2015

Day 381

1. Grrrrrr in a foul mood today! Sitting in a traffic jam to get to the gym did not get things off to a good start. The session was then blighted by the presence of several spatially unaware gym goers who seemed to find it necessary stand in what I consider to be my personal space (which admittedly may be rather on the large side) and then huff, puff and groan in a most off putting manner. I resisted the temptation to run away and stuck it out for the full workout.

2. An argument with the Nectar customer services representative who was unable to explain why my current points balance and the total of the points from my 'recent' transactions didn't add up to the same amount, did nothing to lighten my mood. I was somewhat irate by the time I spotted that my so called 'recent' transactions dated back to October 2012, the points for which have long since been added and spent! Oops.

3. Thankfully there was no need to get into an argument when I phoned to cancel H's phone contract.  Fairly early on into his 'what can we do to make you stay' pitch, I told him the reason I was leaving was because I really hate Virgin Mobile. I think he got the message that I was a lost cause.

4.  Not able to find a screwdriver small enough to undo the screws to H's new iphone so we could get the cover off to insert the SIM, I went down to the local phone shop armed with my best smile to ask (somewhat cheekily as none of it had been purchased there) if they could do it for me.  Oh how the young lad tried to hide his smile at opening the little drawer on the side of the phone. Should have googled 'how to insert a SIM Card' and not 'how to open the back' - oh well you live and learn! Very graciously I have decided to let H live a little longer.

5. Thankfully Al was home by the time the replacement greenhouse glass arrived. Not to be trusted around something so fragile at the best of times there's no way I'm going anywhere near it today!

M - 370
Liverpool Half - 39
Glasgow Half - 151
Total Distance covered   596.6 miles

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