Monday 18 May 2015

Day 393

1.  The latest destination along the road to ascertaining what, if anything, is actually wrong with my digestive system was a series of x-rays this morning.

2.  For a period of a little over an hour a gentleman and I played a strange sort of version of musical chairs in hospital gowns as we alternated between a seat in the waiting area, the x-ray room and a trolley in the corridor at ten minute intervals.

3.  Little did I know it would end in a game of pat a cake, as apparently the most effective way of shoogling things around a bit (to get a better picture) was to prod me with a wooden spoon!

4.  No idea if they found anything, but en route to today's investigation they did discover a Vitamin B12 deficiency! Weekly injections for three weeks followed by one every twelve weeks.  I had such high hopes of this being the answer to my fatigue, sometimes less than cheery disposition, tinnitus and inability to think of more than one thing at once.  The nurse's face when I asked her how soon I would notice a difference portrayed enough scepticism to make me question whether it will work at all - but I am keeping the faith.

5.  Clearly in a better mood today (the fins arrived this morning) or perhaps just too tired to care, I allowed myself to be talked into staying with Virgin Mobile when updating the SIM for my new (to me at least) iphone! Running app's and Spotify beware... here I come!

M - 360
Liverpool Half - 27
Glasgow Half - 139
Total Distance covered   618.3 miles

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