Saturday 16 May 2015

Day 391

1.  Hadn't fully realised until Al and I set off to run to parkrun this morning, quite how alike HMG and I are in our ability to be up, awake, excited and talkative first thing in the morning! Much as I adore my husband our 'lark' meets 'owl' combo didn't make for the liveliest of conversations en route! But it was good to be running with you again Mr L.

2.  Had a notion this morning to mark the parkrun's to my hundredth by songs in the corresponding year, so something from 1977 to mark my 77th parkrun.  But which of the delights on offer to choose - Abba, Boney M, the aforementioned (albeit rather a long time ago) David Soul? In the end there was no contest....

3.  This one's for you parkrunfastfinisher on your outstanding PB of 22.48 this morning! (just change the "we"to "you" or "I"

4.  It is a year since I ran my PB when I was only seven seconds behind him, a far cry from this morning's two minutes plus!

5.  Had a lovely day.  Enjoyed my run, forgetting to pack the pain au chocolat in C's bag yesterday made for a rather nice breakfast, then spent the afternoon sewing whilst Al pottered (!) in the garden. Another bag finished, had hoped for two but didn't think my fingers could cope with any more today after I seemed intent on turning them into pin cushions!

M - 362
Liverpool Half - 29
Glasgow Half - 141
Distance covered              5.5 miles
Total Distance covered   618.3 miles

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