Sunday 24 May 2015

Three weeks to go....

My knee hurts and I've done something to the toes on my left foot, clearly falling over yesterday was not my wisest move!

At fifteen and sixteen it's a fairly long time since the boys came to me with a skint knee to deal with, and even longer since I had one of my own! I shall spare you the finer description of what it looks like and instead just say that it doesn't appear to have done much healing under a plaster last night, so I am going for a fresh air approach today.  Unfortunately the weather isn't quite as warm as it could be so am having to try and 'rock' a long socks and mini skirt look, which would be bad enough at the best of times but made oh so much worse by the fact that H has a friend staying over who could no doubt live without the sight of his friend's mum being dressed thirty years too young for her age! But it's kind of in keeping with my week of demeaning events!

What is slightly more worrying is the bruising to the toes of my left foot.  They really hurt and complained avidly when I put my sock on, but the whole idea of short skirt and one knee high sock was a step too far even for me.

I don't know if I've hurt them whilst falling over, if they are a bi product of my newly adopted running gait yesterday when I was doing everything I could do pull Dougal back and stop him from dragging me round parkrun by my belly (he's attached to a belt round my waist), or simply a distance related injury from running eleven miles.

What I'm even less sure of is how this is going to affect my progress from here.  I have given myself today off from training, but what am I going to do about the gym tomorrow?  Already I can hear all the reasons not to go building in my head, not least of all being the effort required to do some long overdue depilation, whilst avoiding my wound, so that I can wear shorts and not have to revert back to a plaster, which is quickly followed by an even louder voice saying "Shorts to the gym? Stick a plaster on and live with the longer recovery!"

On the same page of inspirational quotes referenced earlier in the week was this one from Ryan Blair

"If it is important to you, you will find a way.  If not, you'll find an excuse."  

I guess only time will tell which it is....

M - 354
Liverpool Half - 21
Glasgow Half - 133
Total Distance covered   639.1 miles

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