Tuesday 26 May 2015


I have secured my place on team Barnardo's! 

But how did I hear? 
Did I 
a) get an email today telling me the good news;
b) get a letter in the post; or
c) ring up and ask

If you think the answer to the above question might be c) 

Was my motivation behind doing so, 

a) having waited four weeks I thought it was probably OK to do so;
b) having already tried last week (but no one answered the phone) I figured I could try again and if no one answered no one need know; or
c) because I couldn't bear to see Al (and the boys) having to spend any more of the half term holiday dealing with my black mood, long face and general miserableness

And with the news that I am now going to be running the 2016 London Marathon for Barnardo's,
am I

a) just a little bit excited at the prospect of meeting Daley Thompson at the training day 
b) already worrying about getting the bags sold and the last of the money raised
c) a heady mix of absolute elation and alarming realisation that it's real and beginning to think that as a result I may be harder to live with than I was before I knew.

I don't think there are any prizes for knowing that the answers to the first question is c) and the second two would both require an option d) all of the above! Can't quite believe it, and won't until I see it in writing, but in the meantime 
(and ssssshhhhhhhh******tttttttt) I've got to run 26 miles!

M minus 333 days!!!
Liverpool Half - 19
Glasgow Half - 131
Distance covered              4.2 miles
Total Distance covered   643.3 miles

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