Thursday 21 May 2015

Day 396

1. Al's response on reading yesterday's blog was "What are you up to tomorrow that's making you so busy?" my reply "Being enthusiastic!" just in case that was lost on anyone else too.

2.  Had a really good four mile run, pushed myself a bit harder than of late and legs felt OK.  Coming down the home straight with "Promised You a Miracle" playing on my ipod.  Decided it was a sign that today would be the day I heard about London. It wasn't, but then Jim Kerr doesn't actually specify a time limit....

3.  My thoughts wondered at lunchtime to this time three years ago when I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of our puppy.  I counted down the days to his arrival like it was all that mattered, when instead I should have been enjoying the calm before the storm.  Decided that perhaps this is a similar situation and I should be making the most of not knowing.

4.  I was having a good day - post run euphoric, sewing was going well, C was home, new phone had arrived.  It was all good.  Until I discovered that my new phone doesn't work properly and is going to have to go back (if the Ebay seller isn't bogus!) but by now I had changed onto a new SIM which can't be reversed back onto my old one, and in the end I had to go and visit the lads who showed me how to put a SIM in H's phone and buy an adaptor so I can put my new SIM card back in my old phone! (Great - now they think I'm stupid as well as technically inept!) I could have cried, but instead I took to swearing like a trouper in front of H's friend!

5.  In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, it'll either get sorted or it won't.  There are so many people dealing with real issues and here's me complaining because my iphone doesn't work, oh boo hoo! But it's annoying and frustrating and very hard to maintain an air of enthusiasm - but I'll have another stab at it tomorrow.

M - 357
Liverpool Half - 24
Glasgow Half - 136
Distance covered                4.4 miles   
Total Distance covered   627.9 miles

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