2. Both of these things are beyond my control, yet I can't seem to stop ruminating about them almost constantly, as if doing so is going to make the fins and an email magically appear.
3. Awake at five, in the shower at six and foam rollering by half past, if I had to be awake I might as well make the most of it (albeit at a rather leisurely pace!).
4. Following on from Radio 2's Pause for Thought yesterday the message of which was that waiting doesn't mean stopping* I have been actively letting time pass today!
5. TWO more bags made taking the total to six, and lots of views on Etsy (but as I found out this afternoon most of these may be attributable to Etsy Favouriter who is clearly looking for a diversion from her A Level studying by trying to decide which one to choose - thank you!).
* http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02r77kt
M - 365
Liverpool Half - 32
Glasgow Half - 144
Total Distance covered 609.3 miles
Total Distance covered 609.3 miles
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