Thursday 30 April 2015

Day 375

1.  If my marathon training were indeed to take me seven hundred and fifty days, today would be HALF WAY!

2.  If I get to run in London it will in fact be slightly less than that, but still no news on that front.

3.  Really didn't want to run today but pep talk from both boys and Billy Ocean's "When the Going Get's Tough" on the radio when I switched it on this morning made me get out there and get on with it.

4.  Same route as Tuesday, very similar splits. Garmin working again. I have no idea why!

5.  Often uncharacteristically rash when let loose with a pair of scissors, one day I will learn that unlike my hair, material will not grow back if I cut a bit too much off.  Unable to get my sewing to look like it did in the pattern instructions I decided I must have made a mistake with my measuring and snipped quite a lot of bits off, only to discover that I needed it.  Many hours later, I have managed to construct one bag! Only another thirty nine to go.... perhaps I'll have worked out what I'm doing by then because my second attempt this evening is not coming together any more easily that the first. Not for the first time I am thinking I would be better off working on the supermarket checkout and just donate my wages!

M - 376
Liverpool Half - 45
Glasgow Half - 157
Distance covered                5.2 miles
Total Distance covered   582.4 miles

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