Thursday 23 April 2015

Day 368

1.  Determined to have a better day than yesterday I headed out for a run first thing.

2.  Curious as to how fast I could run the four miles on the training plan for today, and feeling a little sorry for him because of the heat (who would have ever thought it), I decided to run on my own and left Dougal at home.

3.   I knew something wasn't quite right when I looked at my Garmin and it told me I was running at fifteen minutes miles one minute and five minute miles the next, but I was happy to believe it when occasionally it settled somewhere around eight!

4.  On arriving home and looking at my splits it turns out I ran the first mile in seven minutes forty one (which I find highly unlikely given the elevation gain of forty three metres, and I know I'm usually much nearer eleven), ten minutes for my second mile, which given that I was trying quite hard was a bit disappointing.  I'll take the third mile of seven minutes fourteen even if the forth mile of just under nine is probably much nearer the truth! On loading the information onto my computer I got an even bigger surprise, apparently I wasn't running around here at all! But have been plotted as running several miles away where I have never even been?!

5.  I wish I wasn't so interested in my run stats.  I wish I could just take the run for what it was, fairly enjoyable and relatively fast.  But I am.  They keep me going.  I knew all the time I was running I was jeopardising my chances of a quick parkrun on Saturday but kept telling myself it didn't matter because I'd have my own proof that I was getting better from today, and now I don't.  Except that I do, it's just in my head, I know I had a good run, and if I need further proof then really I need look no further than the aches in my hips and feet!

M - 383
Liverpool Half - 52
Glasgow Half - 164
Distance covered                  4 miles
Total Distance covered   564.2 miles

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