Thursday 16 April 2015

Day 361

1.  We did it! Seven mile round trip, one hour and three minutes!

2.  Garmin playing ball today so here goes... one 11 minute mile, three 9s in the middle and three 8s to finish (plus an extra minute spread across the run before anyone tells me that my numbers don't add up!).

3.  I've only run this route once before (way back in September on Seven Mile Sunday) when I was six minutes slower making it a PB!

4.  You may have noticed that I am still ever so slightly euphoric about today's run.

5.  I am however paying for it now.... my hips are screaming at me, I have blisters on my feet, a patch of chaffed skin elsewhere on my person and all I want to do is go to sleep!  BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!

M - 390
Liverpool Half - 59
Glasgow Half - 171
Distance covered                 7 miles
Total Distance covered   552.1 miles

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