Sunday 12 April 2015

Time Warp

It's just a jump to the left...

I'm not altogether sure how it has happened but somehow we've arrived in the middle of April and I am at a bit of a loss as to what happened to most of January, some of February (won't be forgetting our weekend in Brighton in a hurry!) and the vast majority of March.

I am no where near as fit or as thin as I think I was supposed to be by Easter, nor when I bought all that fabric and put it away until after Christmas did I think it would still be untouched in the cupboard come April.  I haven't looked back at my blog, but I'm guessing that somewhere there's an entry which says I'm just going to focus on getting the house straight once everyone goes back to work and school in the New Year, and yet here I am about to write the same thing after the Easter holidays with no real concept of what happened to the time in between.  So much for seizing the day in a carpe diem kind of a way - at the moment I'd settle for just remembering what I did with the day when I got to the end of it!

Spoiler alert! If I think the past three months have gone quickly there is also an anniversary looming that is a bit scary - I'm almost half way! Just over a week off a full year of being a blogger, fundraiser and increasingly part time runner!

Trying not to get completely overwhelmed by it all, I did manage to spend some time today embellishing the cards that I printed last week (which sounds so much better than 'colouring in', which is how Al has been referring to this latest artistic process!).  I'm relatively happy with the results, yet apprehensive as to whether they will sell.  I have had second thoughts about a market stall and am really hoping I can avoid going down that route, but as I'm trying to hold onto them for my Etsy relaunch I am going to have to wonder for a little bit longer.

Meanwhile the big day is approaching a lot faster for some, as Marathon Man puts in his final preparation for running the London Marathon in a fortnight! Thanks for sending me the email updates as to your progress, and look forward to the debrief.  But an eighteen minute fifty parkrun?! You kept that quiet! Regular readers will know that I'm far more envious of this than the fact that you're running in London a year earlier than I hope to!

M - 394
Liverpool Half - 63
Glasgow Half - 175
Total Distance covered   540.1 miles

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