Sunday 5 April 2015

Ten Weeks till we Rock n Roll!


Asked if I minded being on my own on Easter Sunday, the answer was no.  Just as long as the only requirement on my time was walking Dougal.  What I didn't quite envisage was that being at nine o'clock this morning!

I thought we had our Sunday morning routine sorted.  I get up, give him his breakfast, he goes back to bed, I get to potter (or go to the gym?) - not so this morning! He was up and showing no signs of settling back down again, arriving at my feet with everything he could find to play with including some items he knew would get my attention as they were most definitely not for chewing! I do hope he hadn't been taking his going back to bed lead from Sid and in his absence this is what he thinks mornings are for!

And so, in what is becoming a bit of a weekly recap, where am I today compared to this time last week? Thankfully in a slightly better place.

Yesterday's run was altogether different from last Saturday's and despite my time at parkrun being almost a minute slower it doesn't matter, the important part is that I did it.  I can't say I enjoyed the actual running, there was no adrenaline rush or post run euphoria, but I enjoyed the fact that I was out running again, if that makes any sense?  It was our favourite route to parkrun, it was good to see HMG and have a proper catch up (I think it may have been this that I enjoyed most) and it was refreshing to get to parkrun and just run it without any consideration to time.  I don't think this was a conscious decision on my part, I just don't think there's space in my head at the moment to think about it, and it made for a nice change to not really care.  Perhaps if the week has shown me anything it's that there are more important things in life than how quickly I can run three miles. I may need reminding of this if I start to get anywhere near my PB ever again!

Ten weeks to Liverpool! A little bit early to be planning our trip but fuelled by a picture of a rather delicious looking breakfast posted by fellow parkrunner who is there this morning, I did waste a while researching possible places to eat whilst we're there, and with cake on arrival, pasta for dinner, and post run brunch to consider it may take some time to narrow down our options!

M - 401
Liverpool Half - 70
Glasgow Half - 182
Total Distance covered   527.9 miles

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