Saturday 4 April 2015

Day 349

1.  Dougal, HMG and I ran seven miles - three miles at parkrun and four to get there!

2.  Not sure if it was this, this disappearance of all other family members bar me, or a combination of both but HMG has definitely been given pack status! Dougal was bereft when she disappeared to go to the loo pre parkrun, beside himself when he saw again post parkrun, and selected her for the role of providing some sort of hand pillow for his head in the cafe afterwards. Not entirely sure how she'll feel about this, but I think it's meant as a compliment of the highest order!

3.  So wishing I had been able to accompany H on the train to Glasgow this afternoon as he goes to spend a few days being spoiled by his Auntie and that was before I heard there was a girls shopping trip planned for tomorrow whilst the boys do boy things!

4.  Clearly it is not only Dougal who has a penchant for rabbits.... I have this evening decapitated one of my own.  Mine was, however of the Lindt bunny variety and consequently I now feel a little sick, yet strangely I am tempted to eat the rest.

5.  Been a long day at the end of a long week but I've made it! Am hoping for a period of calm to follow, which I fear may be wishful thinking so I'll settle for slightly less traumatic... keep your fingers crossed.

M - 402
Liverpool Half - 71
Glasgow Half - 183
Distance covered             7.1 miles
Total Distance covered   528 miles

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