Thursday 2 April 2015

Day 347

1. The wind and rain have finally abated and for whilst I am enjoying the calm and the sunshine I can't help feeling like I've suffered a bit of storm damage and am trying hard not to compare myself to the rather sad looking greenhouse all empty and with several missing panes.

2.  I got a text this morning to say a parcel was due for delivery today.  After waiting in all morning I went on the internet at lunchtime to track its progress only to find that I had signed for it yesterday... took me a while to realise that it wasn't a computer error!

3.  Said it before, will say it again. I have the best sister.

4.  Nice sunny afternoon walk with Dougal, not a dead animal in sight, and my first cup of tea in the garden on our return.

5.  House full for tea this evening, H and his friend, C and Etsy Favouriter, followed by a fun evening trying on items from the aforementioned parcel with a much appreciated female opinion.  Thank you, it was just what I needed.

M - 404
Liverpool Half - 73
Glasgow Half - 185
Total Distance covered   520.9 miles

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