Wednesday 29 April 2015

Day 374

1.  Back in the gym first thing this morning - not sure how long my new found determination will last so I'm making the most of it whilst it does.

2.  Despite me checking me emails on at least an hourly basis there is no news from Barnardo's.

3.  Perhaps this might have something to do with the fact that they told me yesterday it would be at least a fortnight before I hear anything!

4. The sewing machine is out of the cupboard and fabric has been cut for the first four bags.

5. This would be good news if I had time over the next few days to sew them. As usual I have been ignoring everything else that I should be doing in favour of the bits that I want to do. Having a lot on over the next couple of weeks I would be well advised to put it all away now and concentrate on my other jobs - so not going to happen! (Advance warning sisterofMG750 the house may not be quite as clean and tidy as I'd like to to be when you get here on Friday, but I know you don't care and I'm too excited at the thought of seeing you to worry about it!).

M - 377
Liverpool Half - 46
Glasgow Half - 158 
Total Distance covered   577.2 miles

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